Chapter 31

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The next day Armani cleaned up the mess they made and they all went to their homes.

Amara and Stormi were sleeping in her room and they had been like that since the time their friends left.

Amara's door opened and her dad walked in and he was about to start talking till he realised Amara and Stormi were on the bed sleeping and he walked out

"When did Stormi get here" Chris asked

"Oh like two days ago Kylie dropped her of cause they wanted to have a little break from the children" Armani said now sitting in the living room

"Oh ok" Chris said before walking into the kitchen.

After 30 minutes Amara got up and was hungry. She went out but didn't want anything there so she decided to wake Stormi up and they would go to ihop and maybe go shopping.

Amara took a shower and then put on one of DD's jumper's and some shorts before waking up Stormi.

"Storm Storm" Amara whispered tapping her and Stormi slowly started getting up rubbing her eyes "come on let's go take a bath and then we are going to eat breakfast" Amara said to her picking her up and Stormi rested her head on Amara's shoulder

"Ok" Stormi whispered

Amara walked into the bathroom and she already had Stormi's bath ready so she got her in their and washed her hair aswell.

After the bath Amara took Stormi to her room and got her dressed into something that she found.

She did two buns in her hair and did her edges aswell. Stormi was on Amara's iPad watching a tv show that she liked.

Amara put a little lipgloss on Stormi. Armani took Stormi while Amara got ready.

Amara had taken her extensions out the day before to give her hair a break. She put her hair in two buns like Stormi's hair. She was finished and grabbed her things and some more lipgloss and her and Stormi left.

Amara's hair:

Amara's outfit minus hat:

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Amara's outfit minus hat:

Amara's outfit minus hat:

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