Chapter 3

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Everyone starting arguing all across the room and I tried to zone out but I couldn't it was all too overwhelming I needed to talk to my boyfriend. I grabbed my bag tightly and ran out of the room, I heard Avery saying that something was wrong. I don't know how far I ran for but I ran and ran for what seemed like forever. I looked all around me and I realized that I was in some kind of forest I slumpt onto the trunk of the closest tree and called my boyfriend Michael.

The ringtone was on forever and he finally picked up.

Michael: Hello? Why are you calling me it is the middle of class!!

I started crying and crying.

Michael: Is everything ok? I heard the announcements at school and I haven't seen you at school today. Where are you?

Amber: Some random philanthrophist required that me and my sister attend the reading of his will and we got so much money and now I will never go back to my normal life again... I will never see you or Rosie or anyone!

Michael: We can still see eachother I can fly there. I have some money saved up it should be enough.

Amber: I could pay for it ...

Michael: Are you sure?

Amber: You don't know how much I inherited. I don't even know who this guy is!

Michael: When do you want me to come over? Sorry I have to get back to class. I love you.

Amber: Love you too.

I looked at all the messages I was receiving from my siblings they were worried about me. But it was one text that caught my attention in particular. 


Hey, it's me. Where have you gone. Everyone is worried about you.

I whimpered. I missed my boyfriend he was abusive at times but that was when he was really drunk and my best friend, my dance class, my dreams, my home. Everything all gone. Tears fell down my cheek as I threw my phone.  There was no noise. Why wasn't there a noise. There was meanto to be a noise when I threw my phone. I looked up to see Nash Hawthorne the oldest brother.

"There you are kid, everyone is worried about you" he said in his Texas accent "Let's go back to the house"

I stared at the phone in his hand and shook my head I wasn't going anywhere.

"i..." my voice felt sore in my throat from crying, so I turned my head away from him. He then handed me my phone and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, I tried to struggle from his grip but he wasn't letting go. I gave up after a little while and just let him carry me. I didn't know if we were there because my eyes were blurry from all the tears I was holding in.

A few minutes had passed and I heard a familiar voice and I wipe away my tears. I realized how embarassing this would be if it was one of the Hawthorne brothers but it wasn't, it was Libby. Nash propped me off his should as Libby hugged me tight.

"Thanks Godd... Nash" 

"You're welcome" his drawl was smooth and thick

"I'll leave you two alone and tell the others" he saluted and walked off.

"Don't you ever runaway again, I was so worried" Libby cried "If I ever lost you I would bake everyday"

I couldn't talk and the day old cafeteria sushi started to make me feel sick again. We walked back to the house and Avery was there but weirdly enough the Hawthorne brothers were there as well. This is about to get embarassing.

Avery yelled at me "Where the fax did you go??????"

My voice felt sore but I had to defend myself "I was calling Michael and I got a little lost while trying to leave this place. I want to go back to Rosie and Michael to dance..." Avery cut me off with a hug.

"I know"

I saw Nash jump onto his motorcycle and drive off and Grayson took one long look at me.. a little too long and walked away back into the house he was mad. Xander looked at my face the same way he did last time.

"Are you always this pale?" 

"Maybe, why do you care shouldn't you hate me?"

"I don't hate you it isnt your fault."

The security guard Oren decided that it was best to stick beside me more than my sister so he led me to my wing, it was Tobias Hawthorne's old one and Avery got the one he was staying in the past few months. 

I looked at the cabinet over the sink in my bathroom and there was a lot of different kinds of medicines. Then I jumped and jerked my head to the side, someone was behind me. I looked in the mirror... AVERY??? 

"What are you doing here?" I croaked

"I found pepto bismol"

"Thanks" I chugged it down, maybe too much.

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