Chapter 22

840 18 2

20th June 2250

"Very well done, all of you passed the physical exam. Although it was close for some, you all did a great job against the teachers." Aizawa congratulated the class with a rare show of emotion. "You should all know that the next step will be a training camp at an undisclosed location."

The class cheer in excitement which causes Aizawa to use his quirk to sit them all down.

"Izuku." He says, gathering my attention. "Nezu has wished to talk with you about the training camp."

The class murmur about what I could be needed for, until they remember I'm quirkless and the camp is for training quirks. It's a good cover up if that's what it's used for.

I walk through the halls until I reach a door and knock. After a few seconds I hear a slight 'come in!' Come through the door.

I slide the door open to reveal Nezu sat at his desk with a game of chess on top of the table.

"What did you ask me for Nezu?"

"It's about the training camp." He takes a quick pause, moving his attention away from his computer and onto the chess board. "With recent attacks we believe that the training ground could be hit, however, I also want you to investigate some more about the league, they've been dark for a while now and it's likely they'll attack soon." He shakes his head. "Would you like to play a game as we discuss, it will help take my mind away from it all."

I give a small nod before taking the seat infront of him and motion for him to start.

He places his paw on one of the figures before moving it.

"Have you received any news on you're inside man, Dokuo?" I move a figure in retaliation as I keep my eyes focused on the board.

"Sadly no, I imagine with the amount of attention the league has it must be difficult for him to meet with me." We both move some more figures. Nezu takes a deep breath before replying.

"What are your ideas as to what we should do?"

I move one of the pieces before replying,

"With recent developments he will be doing a different attack method. Instead of using quantity he will use quality." Nezu moves a figure as I do the same. "Sacrificing his hundreds of thugs for maybe less than a group of ten."

"That is troubling." He moves a piece. "I want you to be there but this information on the league, without it could lead to more injured or worse."

"It all depends on how desperate you need me to find this information." I move my piece.

"The lives of the students could be at stake, but if your not there with them, I fear a worse outcome could arise." I nod as he moves another figure.

"I agree." I move a piece. "Perhaps bring along another teacher, someone you trust to not leak any locations." He moves another piece. "But it can't be All Might. It's clear that he is their main objective and with him there, it would only paint a bigger target on our backs."

He nods as I move another figure.

"Or perhaps you could swap the location." He goes to grab a figure and freezes. "If we were in a different location then it could throw off where they need to go." He hums before moving his figurine.

"You might just be right." I move one of the figureheads. "I'll also bring an extra teacher just in case." Nezu concludes his statement.

"Either way." I start. "I feel as if this moment will be the beginning of the end and we'll soon enter the endgame." Nezu moves another piece at this conclusion.

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