Chapter 16: Blossom's Sick Day (Part 1)

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Ring Ring Ring...

Sakura's alarm clock rang, successfully waking her up. But also successfully gaining itself a death wish as Sakura threw it out the window out of annoyance.

Sakura groggily stood up and went to the bathroom. She looked at the mirror as she brushed her teeth. 'I feel so sick today.' 'Cha! You got that right!' Inner shouted in Sakura's head.

'Inner? Where have you been?' 'I was silently watching you. I just talked again because you'll need me soon. Shanaro!' 'Quiet it down inner!' Sakura thought as she took a quick shower.

"Sakura-chan, it's me Konan. Can I come in?" Konan said while knocking. "Help yourself Konan-chan. I'm in bath." Sakura said, wrapping a towel around her.

She heard the door open and close. Sakura quickly put on the clothes and exit the bathroom. "Ohayo, Sakura-chan." Konan greeted with a smile. "You'll be needed in your clinic in an hour. I'm afraid Sasori's body is preventing him from using chakra the way he can before." Konan said.

Sakura smiled and said "Thanks for informing me, Konan-chan. I'll be there." Konan nodded and stood up. "Well, bye for now. I have another mission." Konan said, waving while walking out the door.

"Goodluck Konan-chan." Sakura said waving back at her. Sakura went to the kitchen after a few minutes. She searched through the fridge and grabbed an apple. Soon enough, Kisame entered the kitchen. "Good morning blossom!" He said.

"Good morning, fishface." Sakura said, turning to Kisame. "You're a lot paler than usual cherry. You ok?" Kisame said in concern. Sakura grinned. "I'm fine, fishface. You're looking sick yourself." Sakura said walking away.

"Oi, Cherry! That was mean!" Kisame shouted after her. Making Sakura laugh. Sakura entered the clinic and saw Sasori sitting on the bed. "Sorry to make you wait, Puppet boy." Sakura said, making her way towards him.

He smiled gently and said "I wasn't here long, blossom." "Now what seems to be the problem?" Sakura said, channelling her chakra from his forehead, looking for damages.

"My body is preventing me from using my chakra." Sasori said, eyeing Sakura as she worked. "I see the problem. Now please take off your shirt. I have to start at the chakra storage." Sakura said, removing her hand from Sasori's forehead.

Sasori took off his shirt and eyed Sakura out of suspicion. Sakura gently put her hand on Sasori's abdomen but was suddenly stopped when Sasori's hand grasped her wrist.

"Blossom, rest. I know you're sick." Sasori suddenly said, making Sakura's eyes widen and said "But what about-?" "My damage? It can wait, blossom." Sasori said, picking Sakura up and lied her down on the bed he was sitting on.

"Now rest blossom, I shall be back." Sasori said, kissing her forehead, leaving a red faced Sakura staring at his retreating figure.

To Be Continued...

Akatsuki's BlossomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz