Chapter 32: How The Mighty Have Fallen

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A/n: As promised. ^_^ Enjoy :3

"Cherry is working, even in her day off." Kisame said with an eyebrow raised. "Hn. We should do something about that." Itachi said. Kisame gave a mischievous grin and agreed.

Zestu emerged from the ground and looked at the grinning Kisame. "Count me in." He said.  Kisame nodded and barged into Sakura's clinic. "Oi! Fishface! Put me down!" Sakura shouted as Kisame carried Sakura like a sack of potatoes. All three of them ran towards the nearest park in Ame.

Kisame put Sakura down and sat on a bench and relaxed. "Now off you go blossom. Go have fun." Kisame said as Itachi and Zetsu propped down beside him. Sakura twitched at them and sat down. "I'm no kid baka fish face." Sakura said pouting.

"Let's have a walk then." Itachi said monotonously, standing up and started to walk. The trio followed him. The walk was silent until a little girl pulled Zetsu's sleeve. "Onii-chan." She said in the verge of tears. 

Zetsu looked at the girl emotionlessly. "Onii-chan, I lost my mommy." She said, giving him the teary puppy eyes. Zetsu sighed and kneeled down to her level. "We'll find your mommy, alright? No we're cannibals. We're helping her and that's final. Hmph!" The little girl teared up because of the fact that Zetsu talks to himself. "Don't scare the kid Zetsu. Act more civilized." Kisame scolded.

"We're cannibals, how civilized can you think we can get?" Zetsu said, he looked at the girl and picked a flower on a nearby bush and gave it to her. "Don't cry, alright? We'll find your mommy." He said.

He picked up the little girl and turned to only to see a smirking Itachi and Sakura and a grinning Kisame.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Sakura said, smirking at Zetsu. "Shut up." He said blushing and looking away. They walked off with the little girl in Zetsu's arms.

A few minutes of walking later, "Oh Saya! There you are!" A lady shouted approaching the four. "Mommy!" The girl said jumping from Zetsu's arms and hugged her mom. "Arigato onii-chan!" Saya said hugging Zetsu. He smiled and hugged her back. "Be careful, alright?" He said. The girl grinned and nodded and walked off with her mom.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Sakura said again, smirking at him. "Oh shut up." Zetsu said looking at the setting sun and smiled, thinking of the little girl. "You've gotten soft. You did too." Zetsu said.

"Let's eat something, I'm starving." Kisame said rubbing his stomach. "Hn. You're always hungry." Itachi said. Sakura and Zetsu agreed. They had a quick meal and was about to walk back to the base, until Sakura remembered something. "Oh, right! Let's go grocery shopping. We can't have dinner unless we shop." Sakura said, looking at the three.

The night went normal for the four. Well, that is if you call accidentally swallowing people whole and unknowingly scaring kids in the grocery normal.

To Be Continued...

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