Chapter 6

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Thanks for reading! I know I say this a lot but... It's poorly written. Hahaha. I hope you still like it..


Yume's POV

Mom. Dad. Coach. Yuzuru. And my old self.

These are some of the most important persons that I will surely miss.

I promised mom that I will become stronger. I will also try your best to be kind to everyone. I promised dad that I will not let the enemy win - whoever they are. And I promised Yuzuru that I will come back.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

"Are you ready?" Aunt Felicia asked.

"Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be." I said as I entered the operating room.

Today, I'm going to become someone new. Someone with a new face, a new family, a new identity; A new life.

Everyone else believed that the whole Ikehara family was already dead. If the 'enemy' knows that I'm still alive, who knows what will happen to me? I might not want to know. I don't even have a clue on who this enemy is.
When the operation was finally over, my face was all wrapped up in bandages, for the skin was still very fragile after the operation.
A week passed and my new face will finally be revealed.

I sat on a high chair with a mirror in front if me. The doctor slowly removed the bandages, and when it was all clear, I carefully opened my eyes. I was shocked to see a very beautiful blonde lady that I've never seen before staring straight back at me.

Is this me!?

I cannot believe that it was really me. I carefully touched every inch of my new face.

Looking at my eyes, you will never guess that I was once a Japanese. My nose was also very different. Overall, I have a brand new facial structure and hair color.

From this day onwards, I must be known as Felice Lelievré, the long lost daughter of the well known designer Felicia Lelievré, that currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

Yume Ikehara is gone. Yume Ikehara is now history.


Thank you for reading my story! It means a lot!

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