Chapter 26

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Yaaaaay. I updated today, 13th June!! You know what thaaaaat means!? Denis Ten's birthday!!!! He favorited my birthday greeting on twitter and I'm so so so happy!! 😊 And thanks for patiently waiting! Here's chapter 26 for you.


Felice's POV

I woke up early with puffy eyes because of crying hard last night...

Now I have to cover these up with makeup.

You see, even if I sleep late, I can still wake up early.

We were going to practice today for tomorrow's gala so I got ready and headed to the rink.

There were lots of other skaters in there. Not just other skaters.. but the top skaters from the games.

When I finally familiarized myself to everyone's faces, the choreographer arrived.

"Alright skaters! Gather here! I am your choreographer and please bear with me." He said with a happy, smiling face.

Hmmmm... He seems good. Hopefully he's not short-tempered!

"Now everyone choose a partner! Boy and girl. This is for the opening act," He said.

Everybody went here and there, searching for their preferred partners..

And here I am, thinking where in this rink is Denis. I want him to be my partner since we're very close..

He doesn't seem to be here...

"Skaters! Who doesn't have a partner? Please raise your hand." The choreographer said, catching our attention.

I don't have a partner yet so I raised my hand. A few more raised their hands too.

"Okay.. You, Felise (feliseh)." He said as he pointed at me.

He just pronounced my name wrong.

"Sir, it's Felice." I told him politely.

"Yeah, whatever. They're the same." He said.

"Excuse me, they're not the same!!!" I said.

But, of course, I just said that in my head even if I really had the urge to shout it in his face.

"You go with.... Yuzuru." He said, breaking my thought-ranting.




"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going with who?" I clarified.

"You go with Yuzuru. Go go." He said as he pushed me to where Yuzu was.

Okay. This is awesome!!!..... NOT.

Why does it have to be him??? Where's Denis...?

And speaking of Denis, he arrived late and the choreographer was very mad because he hates it when someone's late without a valid reason.. Denis ended up being paired with Yulia.

All girls were on the other side of the rink while the boys are on the opposite side, each group facing each other.

And we were going to do some steps and this and that and stop. Then the boys will do the same. Then, we'll skate to the the center and meet.

So we did as we were told.

"Now hold each other's right hand," The choreographer said when we met at the center.

You want us to what?

I awkwardly looked at Yuzuru.

He was smiling and was offering his right hand for me to hold.

I can't help but smile too.

We were holding each other's right hand and I'm trying my best to not feel awkward.

"Ladies, put your left hand on your partner's waist, and gentlemen, put your left hand on your partner's back." The choreographer said.

Now what?

I looked at Yuzuru again and looked away.

I put my hand on his waist, and he put his hand on my back and we started to do this dancing thing.

We were silent the whole time.

I was looking down too.

So I decided to break the awkwardness.

"Ummm.. About the, uhhh.." I said, looking up at him.

"Hm?" He said as looked down on me.

"About the hug... last time.. and the 'cheer for me' thing... It was just a dare. I'm sorry if I bothered you.. You must've thought that I was weird.." I said.

"Eh? No problem.. at all. It was nice to cheer on you! You were great! Really great." He said.

"You think so? Thanks! You were great too!" I said.

We're not awkward now!


"So it really was cut." He said after a few repeats of that dancing thing.

"Huh? Oh, you mean my palm?" I said.

"Yes. I saw on screen when you waved yesterday. Is it okay now?" He said.

Did he just say that he saw me wave on the big screen thing?

It means he was really watching me that time!!

Now I'm becoming more and more self-conscious..


I almost forgot that he asked a question.

"Yes, it's okay now. Thanks for asking." I said with a smile.

"After competition, I looked for you because I wanted to congratulate."
He said, trying his best on putting his English words together.

"But you were gone fast!" He added.



"About that... I kind of rushed back to my room after the competition because I was so disappointed with myself and I cried and cried so hard because I really wanted the Gold medal, but I think any place at the podium is okay because that's what I told you when we were kids.. Remember?" I said in a very fast way.


I just said that in my head. 😂

What I really said was,

"I was so tired after all the interviews and stuff so I decided to go back to my room and get some rest."

Yep, he believed what I said. ^_^

And with that, we continued on practicing, until the choreographer called for a 20-minute break.

DID YOU ALL FREAKING SEE SNAPS OF YUZU'S NEW PROGRAM FROM DOI. OMG OMG I'M CRYING. HE'S SO ASDFGHJKL... 💙💙😍💙💙 Sorry for the caps lock.. But I just can't contain myself!! Thanks for reading!! 😊😊😊

Fun fact: The 27th chapter is going to be asdfghjkl. Hihi. 😊 Idk. Comments and/or votes are very very much appreciated. ^_^

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