Chapter 13

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I loved writing this chapter.. Idk why, but I loved writing it. This is a bit awkward kind of chapter.. It revolves on peeing or so. Just see for yourself. 🙈


Felice's POV

I think I drank too much H2O.

I know this is awkward, but I really need to pee.

"Umm.. Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?" I kindly asked a hotel staff.

"Just go straight there, then turn to the right and you'll see the sign." The staff replied.

"Thank you very much." I said.

I went straight ahead the hallway and turned to the right. But when I turned to the right, I accidentally collided with someone.

"Oh no! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, as if by reflex.

"Gomen'nasai!" A male's voice said at the same time while bowing his head.

I was about to say "It's okay." Since I know that 'Gomen'nasai.' means sorry. But then I remembered that I'm 'not' Japanese.. Not anymore.

A lot of things were running on my mind so I just stared at the guy who was bowing his head. When he finally looked up, he looked at me with shocked eyes. It was him. It was Yuzuru. Yuzuru Hanyu.

When I realized that he looked shock, I felt nervous. I forgot all about the pee thing.

Does he recognize me?

Does he know?

Do I look okay?

Can he feel it that it's me??

"Ah! So sorry. Did not know you're not Japanese. Really sorry." He said again while bowing.

Wew. Oh. Haha. I was just overreacting! My bad.

"I-It's okay." I said as I faked a smile.

I was just being paranoid. Gotta act normal.

That's when I realized that he was staring at my necklace.

"Uh, please excuse me. Sorry again." I said quickly so I can get out of here.

"Wait!" He said too quickly, stopping me in my tracks.

"Can I ask a question?" He asked in accented english while taking a quick glance at my necklace again.

"Uhh.. You just did.. But yes, you can... but I really need to.. uhh.. go to the restroom.." I said.

"To pee." I added, to make it more specific, which made things awkward.

Hey! I needed to go to the restroom, okay?

"Eh?" He had a very confused look.

I took it as "I didn't understand what you just said."

So, I made the most awkward hand movement that says "I need to pee."

His eyes widened in shock, obviously getting the wrong message.

"No, no! No! Not that!" I quickly wave your hands.

"I," I said, pointing to myself,

"need," I added while making weird hand movements,

"to pee..." I said as I did the awkward hand movement again.

"Uuuhhh.." He clearly didn't understand anything I just said. Again.

"You know... Pee. Psssss. Pee." I tried my best to explain, doing the 'pee sound'. (This is really awkward.)

"Eh?" He still looked like a confused little baby.

He looks so cute.

No no no no no! But the fact that, after all these years, he still doesn't understand english makes me a little mad.

"Whatever your question is, I'll answer it later. I really need to pee!" I half-shouted at him.

He. Still. Looks. Clueless.

Ugh! I've had enough of this overgrown, anti-english mushroom!

"Watashi wa oshikko o suru hitsuyō ga arimasu!" I shouted at him.

That was "I need to pee." in Japanese.

He looked shocked but he obviously understood what I just said.

Finally! He understood what I just said!

"Oh! You speak Japanese!" He exclaimed happily.

Wait a minute..

I shouldn't have said that.

I just said something in Japanese! And I'm 'not' supposed to understand Japanese. Much more say something in Japanese. Oh no.

"Uhhh.. No, I don't." I answered.

Way to go, Felice..

"I-I have to go. I'm really sorry." I added as I ran as fast as I can away from him before he can even say anything.

When I finally reached the restroom, I locked myself in one of the cubicles. I took off my necklace and hid it in my clutch bag.

All because of my necklace...

I hope he won't take it seriously..

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