Chapter 18

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Here's chapter 18! 😊 So.... I'm planning on adding titles to the chapters.. Would that be okay? Alrightyyyy. Votes and/or comments are gladly appreciated! Thanks!


Felice's POV

"What was that about?" I said as I turned to Gracie and Ashley when Denis finally left.

"What do you mean?" Ashley said innocently.

"You know what I mean! We were not having a moment...! If that's what you're thinking." I said defensively.

"Says the girl who was hugging a guy who gave her a rose." Gracie whispered.

"Isn't rose a flower for love?" Ashley asked, pretending to look innocent.

"Yes, Ashley. It is a flower for love and stuff like that. And because it's Valentine's Day, it's normal for girls to receive stuff from their friends." I explained.

"Me and Denis... Are just friends!" I added.

Gracie raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah. That's what they always say." They said.

"Anyway, let's get back to the hotel together." Ashley said.

"You can go on ahead. I didn't have time to take of my boots a while ago..." I said.

"Maybe you just want to watch the guys practice.." Gracie added with a cheeky grin.

I gave her a playful glare.

"Just kidding!" Gracie quickly said.

"Bye bye!" They said as they exited the building.

Oh those two! They always love to tease me. 😑

So, to avoid any interruptions on taking off my boots, I decided to do it in the girl's restroom. Clever, right? Umm.. Maybe a bit gross. (But hey! The restroom was clean!)

When I finally (finally, without interruption) changed to my sneakers, I packed my things and headed back to the hotel.
"You. Sit down here." Gracie said as I opened the door to the room which I shared with Ashley.

Like, what is she even doing here? Maybe she got bored in her own room because her roomie Maia wasn't around.

"Is that how you welcome me?" I fake frowned.

"Hello, Leecy! Welcome!" Gracie said in all smiles.

"Now sit here." She said seriously.

"Okay, what is it that you two want?" I said as I sat on my bed.

"Truth and Dare!!" Ashley exclaimed happily as she waved her hands.


Oh my goodness, for Plushy's sake! I thought it was just a joke!

"Are you two serious?" I asked.

"Yes we are. Now for Truth!!" Gracie said as she gave Ashley a knowing look.

"In your own opinion... Who is the most good looking male skater that is currently competing in this year's Olympic games?" Ashley said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

What am I supposed to say?

Of course they want me to answer 'Denis'...

I can go with 'Patrick' but... No.

Yuzu? No no no no no,

Ummmmm... ummmm...

"Jason!" I said.

What on earth? Where did that come from?

"No! That's not acceptable.." Gracie said.

They really wanted me to answer Denis and tease me for the rest of my figure skating life.

"You must say the truth! And teammates are ineligible." Ashley said.

What? Ineligible?

Ummmm... Hmmmm...

Oh no.. I'm out of choices.

"Yuzuru Hanyu!" I said. I said?


I covered my mouth in shock.

"No no no no no. That wasn't right! I.... That was... It wasn't true! I made a mistake! Wait!!!" I kept on talking but they were just looking at me curiously.

"I did not expect that!" Gracie said.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier? I never thought you'd fall for the Gold Medal favorite!" Ashley said.

"Umm.. Ash, can you please throw our Plan Denis to the trash? We should start making Plan Yuzuru now." Gracie said.

"What? You already planned everything if I said 'Denis'?" I said.

"Of course! We'll just tell you the new dare for Hanyu later." Ashley said with a wink.

"Somebody please take me to outer space and leave me floating there until I get sucked by the black hole." I said as I wrapped myself in the sheets of the bed.


Thanks for reading! If you like to talk to me about random stuff, feel free to send me a message! I'd be happy to reply! Thanks again for staying tuned! 😊

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