Chapter 24

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I can't wait to see Yuzu's new program!!! I'm sooooo excited!! Here's chapter 24. Thanks for waiting! :)

Fs music -->

Felice's POV

"That concludes the Ladies' Short Program. We will be back tomorrow for the Ladies' Free Skate. Thank you very much." The host said.

So.... When all the skaters were finished, I ended up in the second place..

Guess who's currently in first??



I'm so proud of her!

The others did well too!

Now all I need is to keep up that pace and hopefully bring home a medal.
(morning next day)

"Okay! Keep that Biellmann up for five seconds..... then release the boot and make it a hyperextended one! And stop, and pose!" Clara said (shouted, probably, because I can hear it loud and clear).

Coach clapped when I struck my final pose.

As usual, I am here in the rink for my early practice.

It's an official one so there were no other skaters to bother me.

No one really picked this time slot because it was a bit too early for them, so I just decided to grab it.
her FS outfit -->
(time skip to Ladies' Free Skate)

I was clearing my mind from any possible thing that may activate my nervousness.. As if I wasn't already nervous.

"On the ice, representing the USA, Felice Lelievré."

That's my cue.

"Off you go. Have fun!" Coach said.

"Thanks coach!" I said as I skated off.

I'm skating to Phantom of the Opera medley.. Oh, it's my favorite of all time!
After some time, I'm down to the last jump - the triple axel.

It's the last one! Come on! The crowd is cheering for you! Go, go, go, Felice!!

So, I jumped.

I should land this..

I must land this!

"Ooooohhhhh." The crowd reacted as I fell.



I quickly got up with a smile. A forced one..

How can you possibly still smile after falling on the last jump that you will execute in your whole program!?

It really got into my nerves!!!

I then proceeded to the last elements - the last spins.

I put my leg up and grabbed my blades..

It seemed normal.. At first.

But I started to have this painful sensation in my right palm...

Ohmyyyyy!! I almost forgot to make it a hyperextended one.. Good thing I did it quite on time..

Ughhghghgg.. My palm really hurts..

I can do this.

...And stop, and pose!

I 'smiled' as I finished my program. The audience then cheered and started to throw some cute stuff into the rink.

They may not know, but for me, I was a complete disappointment.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

You know what that means.

I. Wasn't. Satisfied.

After bowing to the audience, I headed to where coach was.

Along the way, I picked up a blue rose and waved it up high.

I then realized that I have a cut at the palm of my right hand..

It must've been from the Biellmann... I'll just focus on it later.

But how could that happen? I don't usually do these mistakes.. Was I that unfocused?

"I'm sorry, coach.. I made a mistake. It was when I forgot to enjoy what I'm doing.. in the last part.." I said when I finally reached coach.

"It's okay," Coach said, "It's okay." She said again, giving me a pat on my back.

"Is your palm bleeding?" She said when I took my guards from her.

"Uhh.. Yes. But it's not severe. I'll just treat it later.." I said with a smile so she won't worry anymore.

We then sat at the Kiss and Cry.

I put the palms of my hands on my cheeks as I wait for my scores, knowing that the fall will surely pull it down.


I'll update every Friday night/Saturday from now on because school sucks! :) Thank you for reading my story! You can also follow me on tumblr! Thanks so much!! :)) And guysss.. I really like it when you talk to me. :)) Like, it gives me motivation. Haha.

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