Chapter 14

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I'm jealous to those who will come and watch Yuzu in some upcoming ice shows! Why does he have to be soooo far away?? I'm also a big fan of Queen Yuna btw. 😊 (And I edited the story title).


Felice's POV

The banquet will be over soon and everyone is busy taking pictures with their friends and other skaters.

"I really want a picture with Yu-na Kim.." I said as I pouted to my coach like a baby.

"Okay then. Find her. I'll be at your back and do the honor of taking your picture." She replied nicely.

"That's so nice of you, coach. Thanks!... Ooohh! Here she comes!"

I can't keep calm. I can finally take a picture with my idol! She's the Queen!

"Um... Excuse me, Miss Yu-na.. Can we have a picture together?"

I was a little nervous so I absentmindedly put my palms on my cheeks while smiling like a retarded idiot.

"Oh sure." She said.

She's so nice!! And pretty! I tried my best to stay calm as coach took the photo.

"Thank you very much!" I thanked her.

"Sure. Bye." She said with a smile and left.


Okay, I'm calm now.

Nothing could've ruined my happy fangirl mood at that time.. But then...

"She speaks Japanese! She is great. Over there!" I heard someone speak in Japanese from behind.

That voice.

Oh please.

"Excuse me.." The same voice said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yuzuru smiling. He was with Kanako Murakami.

I then felt a 'teensy' bit jealous.

Oh whyyyyy? Is it because of Kanako? Why am I jealous? Uugghhh.

I put on my award winning fake smile to hide my uneasiness.

"Hello! Do you need something?" I said in my purest english.

"I'm so sorry! I haven't introduced myself properly yet. I'm Felice Lelievré from the USA. Nice to meet you two!" I added in english.

"I'm Yuzuru Hanyu! Nice to meet you!" Yuzuru said in Japanese.

"Hey, I know you! I've seen you skate a few times. If I'm not mistaken, I also saw your face in some magazines! I'm Kanako Murakami." Kanako said in Japanese while Yuzuru was smiling widely.

To be honest, I can understand and speak in Japanese.. But that wouldn't be so great because I 'don't' have history from Japan.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand.." I tried to look confused.

Yuzuru's smile faded.

Kanako looked at him and said,

"I thought you said that she can speak in Japanese." Kanako told him in Japanese.

"Yes yes! She can! She talked to me back there." He replied.

"I'm sorry"

I almost called him Yuzu again. Not good. I should calm down a bit.

Act normal.

"It was just a simple Japanese phrase that I learned from one of my friends! I don't really know how to speak Japanese. I'm so sorry." I said.

"See, Yuzuru. You shouldn't jump to conclusions! Again, I'm Kanako Murakami and this is Yuzuru Hanyu. Nice to meet you!" Kanako said cheerfully.

Yuzuru nodded his head, obviously disappointed that I can't speak Japanese after all.

"It was nice meeting you two but I really have to go now.." I quickly added.

It was true. It was really nice to meet them, and I really have to go now because it's getting a little late.

"Bye bye!" I 'happily' waved at them.

"Bye!" They said and went back to their friends.

Finally! I'm done with the Japanese phrase thing! Good thing he fell for my excuse.

Before leaving the hall, I took one last glance at Yuzuru.

He was laughing with some of his friends. He looks so cheerful and happy and...

Maybe he's happy without Yume anymore.
When I finally reached my room, which I shared with Ashley Wagner, I sat on my bed and started crying like crazy! Good thing Ashley isn't here yet.

Why am I crying?

Let me tell you a story.~

Yume and Yuzu are friends.

Yume fell for Yuzu.

But she never got the chance to tell him and now, she's gone.

And Yuzu seems happy without her.


~And that's why I, Felice Lelievré, is jealous when I see him with other girls.


:(( 😘

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