Chapter 8

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My One True Love

I know. I know.. I keep on saying 'poorly written' so I'll stop. But I still think it's poorly written. :(( Haha. Thank you for everything!

Btw, it's pronounced as /felis/ /lelivrey/

Felice's POV (2011)

It was a fair winter morning so I decided to jog outside.

After jogging for about 30 minutes, I saw an ice skating rink.

An ice skating rink.

A freaking ice skating rink.

It was a public one, though.

Memories suddenly flooded my mind. Coach. Yuzu. The Junior Worlds. My gold medal. It's not Felice's gold medal.. It was Yumi's gold medal.

Should I give it another shot?

The ice skating rink had some sort of magic that it kept on pulling me closer.

I rented some skating boots and paid for one hour admission.

The moment I stepped on the ice, I almost lost my balance. But after a minute or so, I felt safe. The ice felt like it was my home.

I skated for a while and at one moment, I prepared to jump. Two words: Triple Axel. The jump that brings back so many memories. After cleanly landing it, I was very proud of myself.

After all this time, skating still runs in my blood.

After an hour, I took of my skating boots.

"Blue rose." I said out of the blue. (pun not-so intended 😅)

Nooooo.. I was thinking of Yuzu and the rose that he gave me back then.

Ugggghhhh. Felice, will you stop thinking about him??

I finally got the hang of it, so I decided to head back home.
"Ms. Felice, welcome back." One of our house maids greeted me.

"Thank you. And please, just call me Felice." I kindly said.

I then went to the living room to talk to mom over the phone. She isn't home because the Winter Fashion Week in Paris is close and she's been very busy.

"Yes, Leecy, do you need anything?" She happily answered.

"Umm... Mom.. I want to... give figure skating another shot." I said after swallowing hard.

"Oh.." She seems surprised. "If that's what you like, I can find you a professional coach and choreographer. I can also hire you a personal assistant and your own driver." Some supportive mom I have here.

"Wait, mom. I don't really need a PA.. or a personal driver. And I think, any coach and choreographer will do." What mom wants to do was just too much. I don't wanna take her kindness for granted..

"Are you sure, sweetie? Okay then. You can also design your own skating boots! It'll be a good addition to our clothing line! It's a great idea! Bye and take care!" She was very happy with her own idea that she ended the call and I haven't even said yes.

Well, I think this is it.

I hope this is it! Haha. Thanks for reading!

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