Chapter 25

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Double update because I fiinished writing chapter 27, and am currently writing the 28th. :))


Felice's POV

"The score for Felice Lelievré from the USA is 144.47, with a total of 219.11, putting her currently in first place."

I didn't pay attention to anything at that time..

Whatever my score was, it should've been higher than that.... if I landed my triple axel..

"You're currently in first. Great job. Really, great job!" Coach said to me with a hug.

The audience cheered loudly.

"I'm.... currently in first?" I repeated.

"Yes, you are!" She said with a very huge smile on her face.

I tried to say something but I was soooo speechless and ended up doing a hand signal for "ME!?".

"Yes!!!" Coach said with a very happy face while nodding.

I am in the verge of tears now..

I stood up and said "Thank you very much!" to the audience as I waved to them through the camera.

We then proceeded backstage, where they treated my cut.

"You cut your palm?" Gracie asked when she saw the bandage on my hand. She and Ashley already skated ahead of me, so they're done skating too.

"Yes.. But it's fine now. I'm fine now." I said truthfully.

"You better be! How will you carry the Gold medal when you have a cut on your palm?" Ashley said.

"Hey, don't say that. There are still other skaters out there who aren't done yet. We should respect them." I said.

"Okay. Okay. I know, mom." Ashley said.

I gave her a "Come on!" look.

"Oooohh. Yuna's skating next. She's the last one to skate tonight!" Gracie said.

"We better watch to see if you'll really take home the Gold. Yay!" Ashley said as they ran out of my dressing room.

Oh yeah.... The Queen hasn't skated yet... I can't watch, knowing that the Gold medal is finally at my reach... and she's the last one who might take it away from me.. The one who could possibly take it away from me.

(after 10 minutes or so...)

"Kostner takes bronze. Lelievré here, gets silver... And the Queen reigns again! Long live the Queen of figure skating! . Wow! This concludes the Ladies' Free Skate in the Olympics. What a spectacular night of figure skating! Good evening everyone."

The commentator from a sports channel said as I left the backstage area to see what's happening in the rink.

I saw the people cheer for Yuna as she once again takes home the Gold medal.

I'm so proud of Yuna having Gold. But that also means I lost the Gold that was already among my reach..

This is a bittersweet moment for me..

After some time, we got back to the hotel.

I practically hurried back to my room where I cried my heart out. I don't usually cry this much.... But the Gold medal was this close to me! And yet... I still lost it..

"Believe me when I say I know what you feel.." umm.. That was Patrick?

"Yeah, me too." Denis?

"I was this close on taking home a medal too.." And Gracie?

"We're here for you. It's okay.. Just let it all out.." Ashley?

I looked up and saw some of my friends. Stacy and Clara were there too.

"Thanks guys!" I said in between sobs.

They comforted me as I let everything out.
Until Coach and Clara left.

Gracie and Patrick left too.

Ashley fell asleep after doing her stuff.

And Denis... Well...

"You're still here?" I asked Denis who was still beside me.

"Obviously." He said.

Oh this guy!

"You must leave now. It's getting late and we must be early tomorrow for the gala practice." I said.

Yes, we were invited to the gala.

"Nope. Not until you say you're okay." He said.

"I'm okay. Now go. It's already 1am..." I said to him.

"Okay. Good , uhh, morning?" He said, standing up.

"Sleep well!" He said as he left.

"You too." I replied.


The number of ice shows that I can't watch are increasing!! :( *cries a river* Btw, I'm gonna share an interesting fact to you guys! My birthday is 7 days after Yuzuru's!! Hihihi. And I have the same birthday as Zijun!! That's all. :)) And as always, thanks for reading!!

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