2. Compromise

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She did in-fact finish watching her movie. It was a tear jerker and a perfect ending for hopeless romantics, much like herself.

He still hadn't moved from his position at the door, unable to cope with his confession. Whereas, she on the other hand, seemed to be coping just fine.

He didn't move an inch. Not until she eventually switched off the movie and ushered their now wide-awake dog to get down from the sofa. When she began to fold the blanket and put it into the wicker basket, he cleared his throat.

"I know you're probably in shock right now, but we need to talk about this, Mo."

She picked up the empty bowl of popcorn, straightening up. "I'm not in shock." She cracked up, making a move towards the door.

Passing him, she sauntered down the dark hallway and entered the kitchen.

The lights flickered on in seconds. She passed the island in the middle and walked over the sink. It was full of pots and pans and her plate and cutlery from dinner.

As she turned the tap on and put on her fancy washing up gloves, his heavy footsteps joined her in the kitchen.

Mona rolled her eyes, scrubbing the life out of the greasy pan. "Can you stop lingering around like a ghost and go to bed already?"

He didn't reply and instead, a frown plastered across his features. He took in the sight of her composed figure and his throat went dry. "Why aren't you crying or freaking out?"

She smiled, knowing he couldn't see her amusement. "Huh.. Do you want me to?"

"Mona." He snapped harshly, clearly upset that his confession wasn't hitting her as hard as he thought it might. "I just told you I'm having an affair, and you're in here cleaning up the goddamn dishes."

"Heath." She mimicked, tilting her head to the side and catching his weirded out expression. "I'm trying to clean up the dishes so that they're not a mess for you when you wake up in the morning. I'm playing house, that's what you want. Isn't it, habibi?"

Her mockery was enough to make him step closer, so close until he was gripping onto her forearms and pulling her away from the running tap.

"I'm cheating on you." This time he was saying it to her face, head-on. The dramatic declaration trying to hit forcefully.

Her lips twitched. "I know, baby."

"What the fuck do you mean by that. You keep saying it but that's not true. We both know it's not."

Letting out a heavy sigh, her eyes fell onto his hand where he was holding onto her, and her shoulders slumped.

To make him acquainted with her awareness, she stood on the tip of her toes and wound her dainty arms around his neck.

He didn't dare to hold her, causing her to purse her lips in merriment.

Her lips almost grazed him as she spoke in a hushed tone, quiet yet loud enough for him to hear her. "Dove Culpo. But you call her Dovie. She's our twenty-five year old neighbour. She has long brown hair and those pretty little freckles dotted all over her face. I'm surprised she's a nurse, when modelling is obviously something she'd excel in. Then again, you prefer brains over beauty. Well, you did before me, right? I mean I didn't even finish school, so you were not with me for brains. Anyway, you've been sleeping with her ever since she moved in next door and those trips you take into the city, you're usually in a fancy hotel with her."

Biting on her bottom lip, she looked deeply into his broken eyes and grinned toothily. "You usually ask for the best room with rose petals over the bed, and let me guess, two bottles of her favourite wine?"

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