25. Old Faces

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By the time she was feeling somewhat human again, deep male voices had extensively filtered into the farmhouse.

She knew his friend had been in the home for a while now, however she didn't think to go downstairs for any good reason. Like she explained, Theo Hawkins was Heath's closest and longest friend, not her friend.

They hadn't conversed more than ten words at a time in the last ten years, finding it hard to relate to each other.

That and the fact that he radiated major asshole energy. When she had met the man all she could see and hear was a tone deaf privileged white man that held onto his former jock days a little too much.

She managed to pull on some lounging comfy pants and a long sleeve top since she was pretty cold, sliding her feet into her fluffy slippers.

As promised, Heath had done her hair for her after her shower hours ago so she didn't have to worry about it being a total shit show. She also managed her skincare, knowing her genetic dark under eyes were unfixable but she was glowing and blemish free and that was what she did her routine for.

Walking down the stairs, she passed the desolated living room and made her way down to the hallway where the voices became more prominent.

Ugh. They were in the kitchen, great.

She wanted to be able to sneak in and make an easy meal, not wanting to have to make awkward small talk. But alas, she had no other choice but to say hello.

Telling herself that it was be quick, she entered the familiar kitchen finding Heath facing the doorway and his old time friend sitting on a stool with his back to her.

Dark brown eyes found her in a flash as a tight lipped grin was sent her way. "Hey, Mo. You feeling any better?"

She pretended to think about it, her usual sarcastic dry voice sounded. "Oh yeah. I'm feel so much better, the pain is like a million tiny elephants have used and abused me but it's bearable now."

His eye roll was enough for his friend to chuckle and turn to face her.

Expecting to see the young playboy with a baby face she was used to seeing, her eyes took in the sight of something very different to say the least.

In front of her sat a grown ass man, clean shaven beard, short brown hair and piercing olive eyes.

Although Theo was the outgoing and louder one out of the two men, Heath was the type of man that a lot of women tended to go for.

He didn't mind his friend having all the attention from girls, but that was exactly what made him have a lot more in the end. Women liked his aura, how rough around the edges he looked and how genetically gifted his features were.

Heath had a stronger nose from his Italian born father, a prominent Adams apple that moved with every word and thick strong veiny arms. His short curly hair was much darker brown, almost black and he had rose coloured lips that went well with his lighter complexion. Although he had a strong five o'clock shadow that he shaped and maintained regularly, she knew he had slight dimples whenever he shaved every full moon.

His looks were sharper, more serious and he had a more darker edge to him, whereas Theo was more inviting.

Heath was more muscular and a few inches taller, but Theo was charming and often did the talking for them.

However as she looked at Theo currently, his youth seemed nowhere on his face and rather, he looked manly.

She was expecting to see a face that she would never think twice about, but when she saw how strong his jaw looked and the ragged scar beneath his dark brow, she couldn't help herself.

He had always been more tanned, having always played sports and been in the sun, he was always a few shades darker than Heath. He looked bigger too, more muscular and she wondered when that change to his physique had been made.

"Theo?" She sputtered out, having to hold on her disbelief. "Oh my gosh, I almost didn't recognise you for a minute."

The distant stranger smiled, showing off his straight pearly whites and moved to get up from his seat. "I mean I could say the same for you. How are you doing, Mona?"

Same for her? Her face flushed in intensity.

She probably looked like a hot mess.

She went to shake his hand but then she pulled her hand away at the last minute.

Both of the men stared at her weirdly but she shook her head. "Sorry, but I'm super sick, I don't want to pass anything on."

He took his hand away, nodding his head in understanding. "No worries."


"I'm alright, by the way." She answered his previous question awkwardly, many moments later.

Heath let out a snort at that, his friend and her had never been comfortable with each other so this wasn't very surprising.

"Good, good." Was Theo's just as awkward reply back.

What he missed to notice was the way the two was staring at each other, dragging their eyes up and down as if they couldn't get enough.

"As riveting as this conversation is, I think T and I are gonna head into the pool room for a bit and have a catch up in there. You gonna be okay?" He was directing his concern on her and she glanced over at him again.

"Sure I will."

And as the two men got up to pass her, she watched them walk away and the frown lines returned.

Since when had his best friend looked like that?

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