14. Eye Opener

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Pathetic. She felt truly pathetic.

Cuddled up in the blanket that the stranger had given her after entering her home, the anxious woman could do nothing but smile sadly as a mug was offered to her.

"Is this okay for water? I wasn't sure where you kept your glasses?" She was being nice to her, too nice. Something had to be awfully wrong.

Mona felt so bloody pathetic, having a panic attack in front of her ex-husband's mistress and having said mistress take care of her distraught self for ten whole minutes.

It was the emotions of seeing her there on her doorstep that made her act erratically, she was now embarrassed beyond her wits and her point of being incomparable to the younger girl was proven.

She was nowhere near as posed as Dove Culpo and she knew she could never be after the hysterical performance she had given.

"No, this is absolutely fine. Thank you so much again." Her voice didn't even sound like her own, watching as she sat on the loveseat sofa opposite her.

She sounded wounded, like someone had shot her and she was struggling breathe.

Dove nodded awkwardly, feigning the smile that carved onto her stunning features. She was seriously genetically gifted, Mona noted.

She had a heart shaped face, those light eyes that gleamed youthful and freckles dotted over her supple skin. Her hair was glossy too, she wondered how many products she used or if she used any for that matter.

And that her heart felt tight again as she imagined him touching her face, tracing over her freckles like they were a map and running his hands over her perfect hair.

Mona's heart broke even more when she heard that sweet accent sound through her ears.

As if noticing his owner's panic, Otto brushed up against her bare leg reminding her that he was still there. She was sitting there in a towel still, but the fluffy large blanket helped cover her shoulders and chest away from her visitor's curious gaze.

"I know I'm probably the last person you expected to see on a Sunday evening, but I feel like we've been meaning to catch each other for the longest. It was the neighbourly thing to do." Really? Mona paused, lodging the sob back in her throat.

She said her next words with a lot of strength, surprised that she could even defend herself. "You've been sleeping with my husband for many years now, I would hardly call this a neighbourly visit."

"Ha, good one." the girl laughed dryly, glancing quickly down at Otto's wagging tail and hiding the disgust in another smile. "Let's call it a much needed intervention then."

"Intervention? Oh, oh no, I don't think anyone here is in need of an intervention. Did I fail to mention that you're free to use his community dick whenever you want to now? I'm not here to hold you back anymore, not that I ever was in the first place for you two." She muttered, not wanting to dig but it came out as that anyway.

Dove's laugh became more piercing, scoffing quickly. "I don't need your blessings to fuck him, sweetie. Don't you worry."

"I'm not." She replied with as much fake niceness.

"Sure. You're not worried about me, but you couldn't look me in the eyes without nearly dying?"

Dying. She could hardly call her panic attack something that theatrical.

A grin wound on the Palestinian lips, touché. "There's no need for us to put each other down over a man as stupid as Heath Callahan. If you've come here to declare your undying love for him, then please don't bother. I don't have anything to say to you about him. I simply don't care enough."

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