55. Articulate

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Inviting the woman who was the supposed mistress and the very reason for her divorce was not something the Palestinian could say she saw coming. Never in a million years did she think she would be in this situation, but alas, nothing in life was predictable.

Sitting down on her living room sofa, she pushed the tray of cookies and treats closer towards the stranger. "Please help yourself," Mona said kindly.

Heath was waiting in the seat next to her, only able to shuffle closer when she finally sat down.

Reaching out to lay her palm on top of his after noticing his odd behaviour. She caressed the palm of his hand and gave it a light squeeze of reassurance.

Those light eyes flashed with something indescribable at the couple's small action. It didn't go missed to the country girl, not in the slightest.

She cleared her throat, not bothering to pick up her freshly made tea. She gave the entire scene in front of her an upturned nose, forcing a fake smile and returning her gaze to the two.

"N'aw," she cooed, "aren't you two lovebirds just the cutest!"

The man wasted no time in asking her the one question they all wanted to know. "What do you want, Dove?"

Dove gasped, dropping her attention onto him and she looked more than offended by him. "Gosh, can't a neighbour come and see her neighbours. I just wanted to come and see how you were both doing, I have no clue you were back together. It's adorable. Actually, it's almost sickening seeing how stinking cute you are!"

Mona's wilful gaze didn't falter as she returned the smile. "We're not together, but thanks."

"Really?" With a sigh that seemed forced, the young woman's eyes gleamed brightly. "That's a shame. But I guess you clearly don't need much convincing to let this hunk back into your bed, huh?"

Her smile lowered.

"And you, Heathy, I'm not surprised you're back with her again. The easier legs open up for you, the better."

"That's funny." The Arab mused, focusing her full attention on the younger woman. "I suppose it only takes you manipulation and sexual assault to fill what's in between yours, right?"

She vaguely realised that her actions were completely wrong, but she soon realised that she didn't give a damn.

It wasn't proper nor was it something she would ever say to a woman but Mona felt like she had enough of the pettiness.

"Excuse me? What did you just say to me?!"

"Which part are you unsure about, habibti? Please tell me so I can make sure you understand me." She continued to regard the outsider with an expression of almost detached calm. "I know how hard it is for everyone in this small-minded town to understand my accent so I would love to help you out."

"Your accent isn't the issue here, hun." Dove quickly denigrated her while her eyes became narrow. "The issue here is that you clearly don't know who you're talking to. Do you have any idea what I'm capable of?"

She had too many options for responses, so she chose a straightforward one. "I do, of course. You are more than capable of taking advantage of married men and attempting to sabotage lives through degrading false accusations."

"Wow. Just... wow." Dove once more turned to face Heath, who made every effort to avert her eyes. "It appears that I am now entirely to blame for your unfaithful husband's affair. I guess that's what this has come to. Is this how low you are willing to stoop? You're so desperate for your marriage to work that you want to blame me? I'm innocent in this, girlie. I came here to make peace and yet you want to behave in such a hostile way. You should be blaming your dog of a husband for straying in the first place."

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