29. Pain

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Dragging the last crate up and on top of the table, she heard loud rattling as it settled still.

The older woman next to her offered her a warm smile, tilting her head to the side. "Now you sure you don't want none of my help, peach? Those milk bottles don't look the easiest to carry."

Adorned in pink and white cowboy boots and a frilly white milkmaid dress, Mona ran her hands down her pigtails to fix any frizz and came over to stand behind her completed stall. "Oh it's nothing I can't do, Susie, I'm just thankful I get to be standing next to you all day. Thank you again for letting me stay here."

Susie O'Donald, the farm's biggest gossip source and one of the very few people not to be a racist to her, let out a dramatic sigh. "I should be thanking you. A pretty young thing like you will for sure have my stall filling up quickly, call it tactile business."

The younger girl laughed, the ends of her pigtail braids were secured with pink bows and the front pieces of her curly locks framed her make-up face. She looked cute and definitely in theme with her stall.

If anyone was confused, it was the annual farm festival where many people from across the state travelled in to get farm fresh produce, see live entertainment and overall have a good, jolly time.

This year, Mona needed to get rid of the milk on her farm, so she was selling dairy.

Around her, a lot of familiar as well as different faces were busy setting up their own stalls. Putting up banners and whatnot.

Luckily, the festival had a puppy play area section and so she could see Otto from where she was standing, playing with some other dogs. They had food, water and even doggy beds.

She had been sorting through her cash and card situation when the stall that had been empty opposite her became occupied.

And when her eyes shifted to see who her opposite neighbour was, a look of pure surprise sketched onto her face.

For it was the town's newly appointed star firefighter, and he looked anything but pleased. He was in full apparel, his uniform consisting of a bulky helmet that was strapped under his chin, heavy hi-vis outerwear and thick protective gloves. She guessed he must've had to match steel-toe boots that were probably the last thing he wanted to wear in this heat.

Next to him, a group of Girl Scouts were setting up and when they seemed to catch sight of the handsome firefighter, two of the tiny girls ran over to his stall, squealing loudly.

He seemed taken aback, standing behind the flimsy table. The girls were trying to talk to him, but since they were so small, he had to lean his arms down on the table and bent his head.

Theo was talking for a bit, eyes moving back and forth between each hyper little girl and then his shoulders fell. Eventually, he was putting his hand into his pocket, and taking out a wad of cash.

The girls started to jump up and down, seemingly excited as he gave the money and in return got a giant stash of cookies.

The entire encounter was enough to make her laugh softly, and she finally made her appearance known.

"And how exactly does a firefighter who's not from here know about the iconic farm festival?" Her voice was strong, loud enough that he was confused for a mere second before looking around and spotting her.

His eyes took in her own stall, before drifting over her outfit and her hair. His lips twitched, finding it somewhat amusing.

Theo feigned a gasp, "more like, how does one not know? It's the talk of the town, I've been waiting for this moment since the day I knew I was stationed here for summer."

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