48. Begging

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Go to Dove's house.

Her dark eyes reread the text message, trying to read it in a mature, level-headed way. Her next neighbour down was indeed Dove and her family, he was correct in telling her to go there if she felt afraid.

Saying that, she couldn't help but feel a strange tug in the pit of her stomach at that request.

She hadn't felt that feeling in a long while, sensing those emotions she had forced down make a return.

Dove's house was no use. The second she took his advice and went over to knock the door down, she received no reply.

"Hello? Anyone in?" She had called out, her tone shaky. "It's your neighbour, I need some help!"

Perhaps it was the way she had called for help that was the issue, she wondered after the lack of response.

She knocked, over and over again until she realised no one would be responding. It was no use.

The funny thing is that she knew there were people home, there were two trucks parked in the driveway and she was certain she had seen the stunning girl out on her farm earlier that day.

Mona decided that she would just wait it out and so her exhausted body made its way back to her front doorstep.

By now, daylight was slowly pouring back into the sky. She hoped her beloved fur baby would spot her easily on the porch and so she sat there, with nothing but worry in her stomach and anxiety in her heart.

She didn't realise she had fallen asleep there, her light snores mixing in with the sounds of the outside.

Unbeknownst to the sleepy woman, the sleek black car had pulled into the driveway and a familiar figure was walking up towards her.

She was sure she would've been embarrassed had she not been in her sleep state when she felt a gentle hand shake her shoulder slightly.

Mona awoke with a start. She was lying on the floor, head resting on the rather uncomfortable wooden flooring.

"Uh, Mona? It's me, Heath, you, uh, you alright?" came out the deep, and rich baritone voice.

His voice. She hadn't heard his husky voice in the longest time, it sounded like her dream as she blinked a few times, lifting her head.

Heath's strong jawline and short beard came into her blurry vision and then she was looking straight at his dark, concerned gaze.

He was here already? That was impossible, she was sure he still had another hour to go before he made it.

As if reading her disoriented thoughts, he offered her his hand and said clearly, "Why don't you go inside and get some proper sleep? I'll take my car and look around the area for Otto."

Her poor baby Otto, she mused, her heart squeezing tighter. She prayed he was okay, that sinking feeling returned at the mention of him.

Again, Mona wanted to be appalled at how she reacted to the whole encounter. But nonetheless, she could do nothing more than nod and accept his hand.

Her stomach twisted as their hands touched for the first time and yet he paid no mind to it. He helped her to her front door, which was only meters behind them and opened it for her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" She managed to say, a wild yawn ripping out of her mouth. Her hand quickly shot up to cover it, a meek look washing over her face.

His chuckle was faded and so low. It sounded like mush in her ears, she watched him shake his head.

"Nah. It's fine. I got it. I promise I'll find him and bring him back, I'll search all night if I have to."

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