24. Menak Wla Meni

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The morning after felt strange to her.

When she initially woke up, it was typically eerily quiet with Otto in bed next to her as her only companion.

She was confused, to say the least when she woke up to the sound of the floorboards creaking and her name being called in a soft, low voice. She reached up to massage her eyes as she felt cosy and toasty beneath the substantial layer of blankets.

She yawned into one hand as she squirmed a little on the bed and used the other hand to massage one of her eyes.

"Sleepyhead finally awakens." His husky morning voice sounded like mush in her brain, and she frowned. "I made you porridge, I know you probably don't want to eat anything but this shouldn't feel heavy."

She briefly turned her head to look at the bowl in his hand after blinking once, twice.

He sat on the edge she was next to, spooned out some of the mushy oats, and held it up to her mouth before she had a chance to object.

"I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." Her cringe was evident, nose turning as the warm porridge smell drifted under her nostrils.

"You can brush after you eat. Yesterday you didn't eat anything all day, and I'm sure you won't start eating again until you're about to pass out." He moved the spoon even closer to her lips after correctly assuming her exact motivation. "Open your mouth, habibti."

"I'm not going to succumb to your white boy ways and eat with morning plaque in my mouth. It's gross."

He chuckled at her dig. "I beg to differ. You've eaten my cum for breakfast before, I don't think food will be such a dramatic change."

Immediately, he got a hard shove to his clothed chest for that. "Ew!" She warned, her cheeks on fire.

"What?" He innocently uttered, shrugging as if he wasn't being an ass on purpose. "It's true, is it not? There's been many, many times you blew me in the morning without having brushed your teeth."

Blew him. Her ears rang at his awful description of such an intimate act.

Her mouth was forced wide open, allowing him to feed her. She swallowed thickly, hating how sore her throat felt as she tried to gulp it down.

She made it only three bites in until she started sniffling again.

Suddenly tilted her neck back, needing to let out a sneeze.

She fired her neck forwards as she released the sneeze. She didn't bother to cover her mouth, since the sneeze came on so suddenly. Once she recovered, tilting her neck back to its normal position and taking a single sniffle. Her eyes still had bags under them, and the skin on her nose turned a bright red.

Noticing her runny nose, the unfazed man grabbed a tissue from the box beside them and she blew her nose loudly into it.

Instead of saying bless you, he said something that made her heart soar. "Alhamdulillah."

She wanted to smile but she couldn't, moving her attention up to the ceiling and refusing to look at him.

Heath Callahan could be very sweet and loving man when he wanted to be, and that was exactly what made it hard for her to fall out of love with him.

Despite him knowing that she struggled with her religion at times, he understood that it was embedded into her and made her who she was.

If he was honest, he often hated himself for being the reason her relationship with Islam lessened. He felt like it was his fault even though she told him that it was nothing to do with him.

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