44. Until I Bleed Out

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His arms came around her from behind, pushing his face into the crook of her neck as his lips prickled against her supple skin.

"You're still upset?"


He sighed, not letting go of her whilst she attempted to pour pasteurised milk into tiny glass bottles.

"I told you work ran over a little later than usual, it's not like I did it on purpose." Heath tried explaining, causing her to scoff. "I'm sorry, hayati."

"Sorry isn't good enough when you keep doing it." She snapped, refusing to look at him. "You didn't come home last night, Heath. That's the third night this week. I made you Musakhan, because I know you love it and I wanted to surprise you. But of course you weren't there, and I had to eat it alone. Am I seriously supposed to be okay with that?"

"No." He replied instantly, pulling her into him and forcing her to stop what she was doing. "No, you shouldn't be okay with that and I'm a fucking dick. I'm sorry, alright?"

Ignoring him completely, she went to move away but he saw it coming from a mile away.

"Baby, come on." His husky voice pleaded. "You know I'm not doing it on purpose, I fucking miss you every second I'm not with you."

Sinking his fingers into her sides, she let out a sudden noise.

"Heath, don't! I'm serious, I'm not happy right now and tickling me is only going to piss me off more."

He started to dig them deeper, causing her body to jerk until she was left to squeal.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbled, kissing on her skin until she was left to squirm in his arms. Her shoulders dropped and body relaxed into his. "I'm sorry, habibti. I can't handle you being upset all weekend, this isn't like us."

"You don't understand how this makes me feel. I don't want to doubt things I shouldn't be doubting about my own husband. I shouldn't be sitting at the table alone, wondering if you're really where you say you are."

He cringed, wanting to show his expression but he fought through it. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to be able to say what was really going on but one look at her face and he felt compelled to reassure her.

The man spoke into the air, closing his eyes for a brief second. "You're right, I don't understand and I need to realise it hurts you. I'm sorry, and I love you. Fuck, Mo, I love you so deeply. I've never been so in love with anyone, you're the only person who I'd ever want to love. For the rest of my life." And I'm too scared to tell you what is really happening, he didn't say. Too scared to tell her why he was so fucked up, too terrified to tell her what he had gone through for him to be in his current situation. "I don't want this to be the reason why you fall out of love with me. I'm sorry. I really am."

"I love you too, Heath. You know that's not going to change." Her sigh was long, allowing him turn her around, he cupped her face with his large hands. "I'm just upset right now, but I still love you."

She hated it when he doubted it. Although she was mad at him, his sheer honesty of how love scared him always made her feel for him.

She knew how he felt about love, he didn't experience feeling any real kind of love in his entire childhood. It bled into his adulthood and left him scarred.

He loved her, she knew that much. Anyone could see how much he loved her, that wasn't up for debate.

Releasing a deep breath, she asked. "You're really sorry?"

His eyes held a light glint, relief quickly sketching onto his handsome face. "Really, really sorry."

She rose a brow as he pushed their noses together, rubbing playfully. "Really sorry that you'd do anything to make me happy again?"

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