60, Where It Truly Lies, Pt 3

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"He's a nice guy." Is all Heath managed to grunt out, pulling himself up onto the bar again.

"Just a nice guy? Or a pretentious dickhead who should fuck off and leave you two alone?"

An empty look was shot at his deranged friend and he muttered out another response. "Look man, I told you it was a normal meeting. What more do you want me to fucking say? She's happy, therefore I'm happy. I wasn't gonna start sucking his dick and paying compliments if that's what you wanna hear."


One minute turned to two before five whole minutes passed by, the only sounds audible was the pissed off lawyer using the exercise equipment.

That made Theo roll over in laughter, clutching his sides. "Fucking hell, you're more salty than I thought. How bad could dinner have gone?"

His assumption wasn't appreciated as Heath directed his anger onto the grown man-child. "Fuck out of my house, T. It's been three months too fucking long, you overstayed your welcome, piece of annoying shit."

With an gleaming grin, his best friend continued to taunt him. "Relax. You don't have to act like a big man in front of me, I know it's killing you seeing her move on."

"No, it really isn't. I told you, we're friends. Nothing more to it than that."

"C'mon, bro. Admit it already, you don't want to like her new man because you're still into her. That's why you've been frosty anytime I bring anyone over. I mean the last chick brought a couple friends and was practically begging for a five-some and you froze up like you've never had sex before. Since when have you turned down three hot girls willing to have some fun. Fuck is your problem?"

Jesus, he thought, getting down from the bar and grabbing the towel around his neck to swipe the sweat dripping from his brows.

Heath made his way out of the gym, down the hall and towards his kitchen. He didn't have to look behind to know the idiot was following behind him, his presence was piercing enough.

"I'm serious, man! There's something wrong with you, you've turned down any action and for what exactly? For your ex who's currently dating a doctor and not even thinking about you?!"

Calmly, he picked up a glass from the drying rack and filled it up with his filtered tap.

"And you're so worried about my sex life, for what?" He snapped back, turning the tap off and bringing the water to his mouth. He swallowed his entire drink in three large gulps. His bare chest was glistening from his workout still. "There something you not telling me?"

Immediately, Theo's face cringed. "Shut up. I'm just saying, you have the green flag to fuck around as much as you want and you're not even taking it."

"I'm not bothered about that shit right now. I'm focused on work and that's good with me."

"What about the sexy single Mom who comes to the door every other day with cookies and dumb shit?"

"It's casual."

"Yeah, right. So casual that you took her to meet Mo."

Heath's grip tightened around the glass, his knuckles turning white. "That's different. Mo asked me to bring someone so it would be less awkward. I brought someone, end of story."

Theo raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just keep telling yourself that, man. But I've seen the way she looks at you, the way you look at her. There's definitely something there."

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