46. Urgency

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Elevator woman and her son came on to be a regular run in for him over the next two weeks.

Heath found himself helping her whenever she ran into him on his way in and out of the complex, oftentimes she was carrying piles of boxes and whatnot. He wasn't sure why he was bothering to be helpful, though he figured it was no harm.

Despite the limited conversation, the woman appeared to be very talkative. According to her, she was a care worker, moved to the city for a fresh start and went through a hard breakup with her son's father.

He didn't share as easily as her, instead, he listened.

It wasn't until he was on her living room floor, setting up a coffee table for her that she asked him the burning question on her mind.

Adorned in a lounging set that consisted of frilly pink cotton shorts and a lace vest top, he didn't think anything of her attire. He couldn't stare at her in that way when all he was doing was helping out a neighbour.

"Are you single, Heath?"

His face blanketed, looking up to find the tall woman leaning against the doorframe.

Her son, Wesley, was fast asleep, hidden away in his room for the night.

Heath wasn't planning to stay long, he had gotten a buzz on his level, showing that someone wanted to enter. He didn't have a usual door like most, the elevator went straight up to his floor and so he had to approve of who came in after looking at the security footage.

When he saw the young woman, he couldn't help but roll his tired eyes.

Of course, she needed help with something, he had helped her nearly every night thus far.

To be polite, he agreed and came down. He let her know he couldn't stay for long since he had dinner to make and work in the morning.

He didn't know how to say it in a way it didn't sound insane, choosing his words carefully. "Yes, but I'm not really looking for anything serious right now."

She smiled, deep indents on her cheeks showing. She had really deep dimples, he wondered if he had ever seen any that intense before. "Are you saying that because you're afraid I'm trying to make you a stepfather?"

The corners of his mouth twitched, yet he licked his dry lips forcing his amusement down. "Your kid's cute and all, but I have no desire to have kids. I'd be a pretty shitty role model."

"Mm, I see. A single woman having a kid is a dealbreaker for you, that's a shame, I thought you were different than the rest."

"Oh no, I'm worse. Believe me, I hate the little shits. Hate the lot of them."

His comment received a flirty laugh and the nurse stepped fully inside. She watched him carefully as she took a seat on the brand new sofa, leaning back.

"Ouch. Noted then." Penelope pretended to wince, crossing her smooth legs together. "And is there someone in particular I have to thank for the brutally honest rejection?"

"Sure." He nodded. "You can try my ex-wife, start by telling her that I'm still fucking in love with every part of her."

Even though he was being sardonic, it came out rough and like it hurt to mention.

Obviously, the stranger seemed to clock on and she hummed in understanding.

"Gosh. I really need to stop going for men who are emotionally unavailable."

Heath offered her a small grin. "Think of it this way, at least I'm telling you in advance that I wouldn't be in it for the long run. Also, don't take this as the reason to stop asking me for help, I'm one elevator trip away if you need a bookshelf or vanity built."

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