60. Where It Truly Lies, Pt 1

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Back to square one.

How does heartache transpire into something as emotionally draining and long winded as this? She pondered.

It was almost as if the last few weeks had not existed and they were strangers again.

The stream of water trickled down onto her curves, drenching her curly locks until they looked straight and cascaded down her back.

Rough callous hands worked into her scalp, massaging the shampoo in.

Reaching up to grab the shower head, he silently washed the product out until it was clean. The shower head slid back into place and the trickle poured in again.

She pursed her lips, turning around to find him scrubbing a soapy loofah on his chest.

Feeling her eyes on him, he glanced at her and rose a brow.

Mona took over, grabbing the loofah and moving to wash his chest. She looked up at him through her thick lashes. "Are you upset with me?"

His dry chuckle made her insides feel funny, it was all things comforting and sweet. "How can I be upset over something you can't control?" He asked seriously.

With a sigh of relief, her shoulders dropped. "I know but I can't help but feel like," She paused, starting again with a deep breath. "I feel like you're going home early because of me."

Heath's eyes softened on their own accord. "I'm not." He assured lightly, his tone stable. "I gotta get back to work, you know I'm not good with taking time off. I shouldn't have been so rash in my decision to take three weeks off and stay in your home without asking in the first place."

She stilled. Her home.

It was their home first, she didn't know how he was able to say it so freely. It felt unusual and awkward.

"It's not that I don't care for you." She told him softly, dropping her hands. Her eyes stayed on his, making sure he was listening to every word. "There's not a second that I'm not thinking about you, and there's no doubt in my mind that I love you. I do love you. I love everything about you. How can someone not love you?"

Swallowing thickly, he raised his shoulders in a careless shrug. "But you're not in love with me. I get it, Mo. You don't need to explain yourself."

Hearing him say it out loud made it sound worse than it was, however, it was as simple as that.

Mona had taken the time to think about the meaning of love. Throughout the last five years, she had managed to understand that there was a difference between being in love and the concept of love itself.

It took her many years, but she managed to find a way to fall out of love with him. It was the best thing she could do to guard her heart.

Sure it might've sounded harsh but it needed to be done.

"I can't help it."

He didn't seem fazed by her truthfulness, instead the corner of his lips twitched and he let out another throaty chuckle. "If you're gonna start crying again then tell me now so I can get out of here."

Her hand dropped the scrubber, bringing a firm hand against his chest. Water splashed off his taut skin, creating an echo to follow. "You're a himar." She sniffled, raw emotions coming forth.

He caught her wrist, bringing her hand up to his lips. Heath kissed the front of her hand before keeping it over his mouth.

That was enough for her to break out into a full smile, her hand pulled way quickly.

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