60. Where It Truly Lies, Pt 2

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One Year Later

Being friends was the easy part.

What was difficult was the point where they both had to move on with their lives. The part where they realised they were better off as friends than lovers. The part where she and he both moved on. The point at which their lives were no longer intertwined.

A lot could happen in one year. For example, Mona never never imagined she'd be working full-time in a hospital, fulfilling her dream profession. She never expected to meet someone who she was willing to let into her heart.

But, as it turned out, the hospital was a blessing in disguise in more ways than one.

She looked over at the dark-haired man who appeared to be playing with her excited dog as she placed the last plate mat on the table.

"Dinner is ready." Her voice was tentative, almost tiny.

She couldn't figure out why she felt so nervous.

Eleven months had turned the two of them into great friends who respected boundaries. She knew he would never make her feel uncomfortable about her decision.

Much like in the current, they were having their bi-weekly dinner at the farmhouse. He often came over to help her with the animals, and to see their beloved pet baby. It was always a good time catching up, and figuring out what was going on in his life.

Fortunately, the unobservant man gave Otto's head a rub without seeming to notice her difference. "Hear that, boy?" His recognisable husk resonated throughout the space. "It's time for my favourite part of every week."

How did she begin to tell the same man who had her heart for so many years that she was ready to move onto the next step? She mused, perplexed by her own thoughts.

She took her own seat at the table whilst he came by, sitting across from her.

Whilst they both piled up their own plates with the warm food in front of them, her lips quirked. "Your favourite part, huh?"

Those deep brown eyes flickered over to her, taking sight of her tight tank top before his own smile marked his stubbled cheeks.

"Being able to have dinner with such a pretty view beats any sorry tv dinner I have in my place."

"N'aw." She snorted, unfazed by his charm. "You mean the same place that you and Theo have made into a bachelor pad? I don't know how to feel sorry for you when the stories I've heard have been anything but depressing. It sounds and looks like you've been having fun... maybe too much fun."

Heath rolled his eyes, tucking into his food and bringing a forkful into his mouth. He chewed slowly, his gaze twinkling with amusement.

"You know damn well that's all T." He defended his honour, letting out a exasperated sigh. "If I knew letting his crash at mine until the reno at his place was done would lead to frequent noise complaints, I would never have let him stay in the first place."

"Don't pretend like you don't secretly love it," Mona teased.

Knowing that she was darting the truth, she sucked in a deep breath, toying with the chicken on her plate.

Heath chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Maybe a little," he admitted, his voice laced with amusement. "But don't tell Theo that. I need to maintain my reputation as the responsible one."

She laughed, her heart feeling lighter in his presence. It was moments like these that made her grateful for their friendship. They had come a long way since their breakup, and she couldn't imagine her life without him.

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