47. Missing In Action

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Mona let out a yelp as she caught the sassy chicken, feeling as though she had ran for days. In reality, it had only been a couple of minutes. She was so out of breath, making her realise that she seriously needed to start working out.

"Dalia! Come on, we're doing this because of you. This is your fault!" She pleaded, carrying the clucking bird over to the makeshift bath station.

Yep, that was right.

She was giving the eldest chicken a bath in her kitchen sink. Now it wasn't like chickens were bathed regularly, or ever for that matter but her darling animal baby had gotten herself into quite the pickle.

Dalia currently had a few sticks stuck in her feathers which she was not preening out and therefore, they were currently in the joys of bath time. Emphasis on the sarcasm there.

Managing to get her in the gold farmhouse sink, she begun lathering the soapy water against the bird slowly and attempted to remove the sticks.

Poor baby, she mused. It must've been hurting her all morning and she was only noticing it now.

Nasty clucks were directed her way.

"Oh stop it, you big bully. You don't have to be so mean to Mommy, I'm trying to help you out."

She started to get splashed in the face making her let out a loud squeal.

Immediately, the squealing made the on edge dog next to her feet growl and he began barking loudly.

In turn, the chicken splashed her more and the dog went absolutely crazy.

That went on for the next twenty minutes and she wasn't sure how she had any hair left on her head by the end of it.

Anyway, she managed to clean the chicken thoroughly and then the rest of her afternoon was spent as it usually was. She did the farm chores she needed to do, made herself dinner and got started on the new addition of doing some extra studying for her medical exams.

She was currently in her cosy pyjamas, reading over some notes that she knew she could get a better understanding on.

There was no denying it that Mona was a smart woman. She had left her home country early in order to go to college and get herself a degree in medicine. Her end goal had been to go down the route of neurology and so when she met her ex-husband and he asked her what she was doing in college, it was safe to say he was more than impressed.

She soaked up information like a sponge and in turn, this made school pretty easy for her and she enjoyed challenging her mind to its fullest extent.

By the time she was in her last year, Heath had managed to secure a remarkable firm as a graduate. By that point, things were already pretty serious between them and it was easy for them to see marriage as the next step for them.

Although she wanted to complete school at a young age, things took a turn.

She didn't hold any animosity towards it. She couldn't, not when it was what she wanted.

After she finished studying, Mona stayed in her living room watching the current show she was obsessed with until her eyelids started to get heavy.

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