the interview

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Since Luna and Jackson had kissed on the hospital roof, they hadn't spoken. Not because they didn't want to but because they had been going around all their interviews. Arizona and Mark had still made them go even though they decided to stay in Seattle, and they both hadn't told their mentors either.

"Where are you off to now?" Luna asked downing the rest of her Tequila.

"Boston, what about you?" Meredith asked downing her drink also.

"Baltimore, John Hopkins. I feel sorta bad going to all of these interviews especially when I'm not even going to go there" Luna said leaning her head on the bar.

Not realising April and Jackson were also in the same airport.

Jackson stroked her back, making sure she knew it was him.

"Lu, you alright?" Jackson asked sitting next to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine just tired, didn't know you guys were here?" Luna said lifting her head off the dirty bar.

"On the way to New York," April said waving her boarding pass.

Jackson and Luna both for the first time in over a week embraced each other in a hug, it was both what they needed.

"Okay well, my flight is boarding. Good luck, Luna. And text Derek when you land he worries" Meredith said kissing Luna's head and then walking to her gate.

"I better go too. I'll see you when I'm back. Have fun in New York you two kids" Luna said kissing Jackson on the lips and then walking to her gate too.

"Uh, when did that become a thing?" April said looking from where Luna walked off to back to Jackson.

"Uh a few weeks ago," Jackson said smiling.

"Well thank god. I'm tired of you two both talking about each other to me" April said going to the bartender to order a drink.

"I'll have a beer please," Jackson said to the bartender standing there.

"Wait she spoke about me to you?" Jackson asked sitting next to April.

"Shit, Well yeah. She was worried that you didn't like her anymore and that just she missed you guys being friends and that she wanted more. And she was mainly talking about how much she wanted to ask you out. The same of what you were saying really" April said swirling around the straw that was in her drink.

Jackson was lost in thought staring at the planes all taking off. Realising how much he cares about Luna and everything she does.

"Jackson? Are you okay?" April asks noticing the silence followed by what she had said.

"Do you ever feel like you are holding people back? Luna wants to stay in Seattle and I want to stay too because I want Mark to teach me. But she could do her fellowship at John Hopkins and she might not because of me" Jackson said breaking the silence.

"Jackson she's not staying because of you, no offence. She's staying because Seattle has been her most permanent home. And she's got Mark, Callie, and Arizona there. Do you want to leave? Honestly" April asked looking at Jackson.

"I don't know, I want to experience a different hospital but I also promised Sloan and Luna I'd stay. But I do want to stay too" Jackson said taking a sip of his drink.

"Maybe you need to think and see what is out there before making a decision," April said looking at Jackson and seeing the confusion in his eyes.


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