1-Normal life (Spider-Man)

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I'm just laying on my bed and scrolling instagram . My parents aren't home . Well it's nothing new , but because it's morning so they're probably at work

I still have some time before school and there's the fact that I really don't want go there

So I continue laying in the bed for the hour

After an hour or so i decide to check the watch . And to my surprise , I'm late . Again

I quickly my best friend Miguel . He pick up after few seconds

Y/N: Hey man . I'm gonna be a little late today

Miguel: I would be surprised if you once weren't

Y/N: Yea , yea . I know . See you at school

Miguel: Sure thing

I quickly put some clothes on me and brush my teeth

Y/N: My mom's gonna kill me

After I was done with my routine , I have to run to my school . Yes . It's not too far and next bus is gonna be there in 20 minutes . I'm gonna be quicker than the bus


Right now I'm running through school halls and I accidently bump in to someone . That mystery person look at me and I can see it's my Principal

Y/N(muttering): Fuck , not again..

Principal: Ahh , Mr.L/N . Remind me why are you late . Was it some car accident , or you didn't catch your bus ? Or you were at you gradfather funeral ?

Y/N: I didn't think about this part yet . Can you give me time to find good answer ?

Principal: Sure thing ! You have detention for the rest of the week

Y/N: Again ?!

Principal: Yes . And I don't think that's your last detention

Y/N: Probably not . Well I better get going to my class . See you around

I run away and finally find my class . I knock and goes inside

Y/N: Hey , I'm sorry . I'm late

Teacher: Principal's gonna know about it

Y/N: He actually already do . We met already

Teacher: Well then , what are you waiting for ? Sit down and do the exercises on page 78 in wordbook

I sit next to Miguel and we did our handshake

Miguel: You really bumped into principal this morning ?

Y/N: Yeah

I actually don't do the exercises because everything what we are doing is super easy .

Teacher: Oh and don't forget we have field trip tommorow . Don't be late . Especially you Y/N

I look at him and Miguel chuckles

Y/N: Yea , don't worry


The rest of the day was boring . After detention I headed home and find out that I'm home alone , again...

I'm glad i didn't saw Jason today . He's normally beating me up , so it's nice I didn't saw him today

I decide to call to mom and ask her when she's gonna be home

So i take my phone and call her

Emily: Hey honey

Y/N: Hey mom , when you're gonna be home ?

Emily: Probably tommorow morning . Me and dad have lot of work right now . I left you some food in the fridge

Y/N: Okay

Emily: I have to go . I love you , bye

Y/N: Love you too , bye

I sigh and put the phone away . Atleast she don't know about my detention . Yet

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