7-Vulture (Spider-Man)

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One week later

Right now Miguel and I walking through the school halls

Miguel: I asked Tory to go with me , she said yes !

Y/N: That's great man , I'm happy for you

Miguel: What about you ? Did you ask someone ? And if your answer is yes , I already know who's the lucky girl

I look at him with raised eyebrow . Then I go over to my locker

Y/N: I'm going with Skye

He pats me on the shoulder

Miguel: Anyway , do want to see the new episodes of Lego Ninjago ?

Y/N: I would love to man . I have just important things to do

Miguel: Well , I can record it and give it on DVD , than I can come to your place and we can watch it

Y/N: Sounds good

Miguel left and go over to his locker


After school I went for patrol and it goes pretty well . I stopped few crimes and right now I'm sitting on the rooftop

Suddenly my spider sense goes off

I jump out of the building and look for something what could trigger my spider sense

I see some guy in some sort of flight suit carying around some guy

I quickly swing towards them and send a web on Vulture guy and take the guy away from him . I quickly put him on the ground and look at the man . It's Norman Osbourne , head of oscorp

Norman: Thank you . Who are you ?

Y/N: I'm Spider-Man

I look back at the Vulture guy

Vulture: This isn't last time we see each other , Spider-Man

After that he fly away


I'm just arrived home and I see mom in the doorway

She look at me and rais her eyebrow

Emily: Since when my son is getting into the fights ?

Y/N: What are you talking about ?

Emily: Next time you should atleast wipe that blood of your face

I touch my eyebrow and feel there is something wet . I look at my hand and see it's blood

Y/N: It's not how it looks like

Emily: Whatever you say Spider-Man

Y/N: What ?

Emily: When I came back from the store . You said something about eggs . But I never told you I'm going for eggs . I only told Spider-Man

Y/N: So , you know ? You're not mad ?

Emily: Well , I wouldn't say I'm not mad . Of course I am , but there is part of me who is proud . Proud that you saved so much people already . Proud that you never wanted a single "thanks" from someone . I wasn't completely honest with you as well . Me and your dad , we are SHIELD agents

Y/N: Agents ? SHIELD ?

Emily: Yea , that's why we're not home too much

Y/N: Normally I would say you're crazy . But I'm a guy with spider powers

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