11-Being called in (Avengers)

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After I get home I get ready for my dinner with Daisy

I look at my watch and realised I'm kinda late

Y/N: Oh shit !

I take my old mask and old webshooters and quickly jump from the window

I'm web swinging through the city and finally I see Daisy so I jump into some alley and take my mask of and put my web shooters to my pocket

I web my mask on the wall so no-one can get it . Well , it's mask from my first Spider-Man suit , but still

I tapped on her shoulder and see her angry expression

Y/N: I'm sorry , got stuck in the traffic

She just shakes her head as she wanted to say "That's not working"

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She just shakes her head as she wanted to say "That's not working"

Y/N: Okay , I kinda lost track of time . I'm really , really sorry

She suddenly put her lips on mine . The kiss was so passionate

Y/N: What was that for ?

Daisy: Just you being you , let's go , we have reservation at 7

She take my hand and lead us to the restaurant


After the dinner we go to my house . I know my mom's not home , so we're alone

She lay on my bed and I take of my shirt because I'm heading to the shower

As I'm leaving to the bathroom Daisy stops me

Daisy: You want to leave me there ?

I smile and start kissing her

After ten seconds of kissing I push her against a wall and start kissing her neck

Suddenly somebody cough behind us

I look who it was and see one man

Y/N: Director , how did you ? What are yo..

Fury: Easily . I tought you have sixth sense and that you can feel when enemy's watching you

Daisy: What are you doing here . Not gonna lie , this is kinda akward and I think we deserve some privacy

Fury: You're right in that one , agent Johnson . But I'm not here to take you back to SHIELD . I'm here because it's time .

Y/N: Time for what ?

Fury: Avengers initiative . I wanted to tell you before . But after what happened , it just wouldn't be right

Daisy: Avengers ? Cool name , what's that ?

Y/N: Some type of boyband ?

Fury: You could say that . That's how your father called it anyway . World needs you two

He hands me some file . Me and Daisy look at it and see some blue cube

Y/N: Isn't that tesseract ?

Fury: It is . It was stolen and we need to get it back , my people are gonna pick up you tommorow

Y/N: Never said I'm in

Fury: You said that you want to make your father proud . I need Spider-Man , world needs him .

Daisy take my hand and squeze it

Daisy: We're in

Fury: Good , I'm gonna send someone to pick you guys in the morning . Have a great night


Me and Daisy just looking through the file that Fury gave us and I can't help , but I think there is something he didn't tell us

Y/N: Daisy ? They say that portal collapsed , so that's why they had Dr.Selvig , right ?

Daisy: Yea , probably , why ?

Y/N: What's SHIELD doing in this type of bussines ? In energy bussines . Why didn't they invite Stark to cooperate ? I mean , yeah , his ego is huge , but he's smart . He could've help

Daisy: What are you saying ?

Y/N: Hhh , I don't even know , sorry

I sigh

Y/N: I'm kinda tired and this is not how I expect our date night to be

She goes over to me and put her hands on my cheeks

Daisy: Don't worry , it's not your fault . We're gonna help them and then we'll have another one

She give me a kiss

Daisy: This is what we do . You should take shower , I'm gonna wait on you in the bed

I smile and give her quick peck on the lips

15 minutes later

After I take my shower I go to my room and see Daisy sleeping on my bed

I smile and give her a kiss on the forehead and put blanket over her

Y/N(whispering): Good night babe

I lay next to her and turn off my lamp , she immidietly curled to me

Y/N(chuckling): I tought you're sleeping

Daisy: Nah , I was just too lazy for taking the blanket , so I let you to do that

I chuckle

Y/N: I love you Daisy , good night

Daisy: I love you too

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