12- Steve Rogers (Avengers)

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Timeskip/next morning

Right now me and Daisy land on SHIELD hellicarier

Y/N: Well , this is impressive

Daisy: Fury tried

Natasha come over to us and hugged Daisy

Nat: How was you fligh ?

Y/N: It wasn't bad , but I'm prefer swinging so

Nat: Of course you do . How are you holding up ?

Y/N: I have a good help

Nat: I'm glad you two found each other . Anyway , back to work . There is someone who I want you to meet

I look at the place where Coulson is and see Steve Roger A.K.A Captain America !

I , Daisy and Natasha approach Mr.Rogers and Coulson

Agent Coulson: Agent Romanoff , L/N , Johnson . Steve Rogers

I was the first who extended my hand

Steve: Ma'am , kids . You're Spider-Man , right ? I saw few videos of you . You're good fighter . I heard about what happened , I'm sorry

Y/N: Thank you , Mr.Rogers

Steve: Please , just Steve is fine

Natasha: They need you on the bridge , agen Coulson

Agent Coulson: Got it

Once he left Natasha spoke up

Nat: It was quite the buzz around here finding you in the ice . I thought Coulson gonna swoon . Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet ?

Steve: Trading cards ?

Y/N: Yea , i've got them too . They're vintage

Nat: Yeah , Coulson is very proud

After a while we look over to see Dr.Banner walking around the carrier . I quickly go over him

Y/N: Dr.Banner . It's nice to meet you . I read your work about gamma radiation and I'm a bug fan of your work

Bruce: What ? You understand it ?

Y/N: Yes sir . I'm Y/N L/N

I extended my hand and he take it

Bruce: Bruce Banner , call me Bruce please . You're Spider-Man , right ?

Y/N: Yea . This is my friend Natasha and this is my girlfriend Daisy

We turn around and face the girls and Bruce akwardly wave

Bruce: Nice to meet you

Daisy: Likewise

Then Steve behind me cought

Y/N: Ooh , sorry

Steve: Dr.Banner

Bruce: Ooh ,hi , they told me you be here

Steve: So, word is you can find the cube ?

Bruce: Is that only word i'm hearing ?

Steve: Only i care about

Steve then speak with Bruce and somebody tapped on my shoulder

I turn around and see my mom and hug her

Emily: So you're here

Y/N: Yea , I don't know why . They just want some cube back . I don't think I have to be here

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