9- I am Spider-Man (Spider-Man)

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Three days later

For the last three days I just layed in my bed . Daise left after two days because she had some important things to do

I talked with Miguel once since Homecoming . I told him about my dad , how it was with Vulture and about Daisy . I'm glad I have someone like Miguel , because he said that he's here for me . He's like brother to me

I invited him on the private funeral of my father . Only Me , Mom , Daisy , Phil Coulson , Natasha Romanoff , Clint Barton , Miguel and Nick Fury was there

Right now I'm listening my mom talking about my dad . Daisy's holding my hand which i appreciate

Emily: He did lots of mistakes , but he learnt from them . And he wanted to teach Y/N what to do . Y/N ? Do you want tell something about your father

I stand up and go over to my mom

Everyone's here know I'm Spider-Man so I didn't have to make some false story

Y/N: My dad was a hero . He did what he toughts was right . He told so much things and tried to save me from his mistakes

I look at the sky and sigh

Y/N: I hope you hear me dad . You told me that I have a gift and that I have to use it right . You told me that with great power comes great responsibility . I didn't understand it at first but now i do . And I promise that I'm not gonna let you down . Thanks for everything dad

I go over to mum and hug her . Then I go back to my spot next to Daisy and hold her hand


Right now me and Daisy are in my room and look in her eyes

Y/N: Daisy ?

Daisy: Yea ?

Y/N: You know , when I met you I.. I wanted to be with you . I know we have something special . When you fell asleep next me , I feel safe . When you're holding my hand I feel like a king . I know I let you down on Homecoming , it was supposed to be special .

Daisy: You didn't let me down Y/N

Y/N: I just ... I want to tell you... When I'm next to you , I feel special . I know it's gonna be hard , but I'm willing to do it , with you

Daisy: Y/N , what are you saying ?

Y/N: Why is this so hard ? Hhh I just really like you Daisy , I want to take you on date , real date . Just , be with you

The next thing I know she put her lips on mine . I was surprised but I continue kissing her and we stop kissing because of air

Daisy: Yes Y/N . I would love to go on date with you

I smiled and kiss her again


I look at my new suit and put it on

I smile and jump out of the window and start web swinging

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I smile and jump out of the window and start web swinging

I smile and jump out of the window and start web swinging

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For the last few years I didn't knew who I am . But I do now . I'm the guy who's looking over little guys . I'm the guy who is ready to his live to save someone . I'm not gonna let you down dad . I am Spider-Man

(A/N): Okaaay , that's all for Spider-Man . Next one is Avengers !

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