14- Locating tesseract (Avengers)

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After getting back on carrier with Loki and Thor we gather on the command deck watch Fury talking with Loki .

Once Fury is done with talking to Loki , Bruce was first who speak

Bruce: He really grows on you , doesn't he ?

I can't help but chuckle at this

Steve: Loki's gonna drag this out . So , Thor what's his play ?

Thor turns to us

Thor: He has an army call the chitauri . They're not from asgard , nor of any world know . He means to lead them againts your people . They will win him the earth

Y/N: Well i fought a lots of weird people . But an army from outer space ?! That's so cool

Cap gives me a glare

Y/N: Okay , it's not cool . It's terrible

Bruce: So he's building another portal . That's why he needs Erik Selvig

Thor: Selvig ?

Y/N: He's an astrophysics

Thor: He's a friend

Nat: Loki has him under a spell . Along with one of ours

Y/N: Am i the only one who's wondering why Loki let us take him ? I mean , he's not gonna lead an army from here

Bruce: I don't think we should be focused on that kid . That guy's brain is a bag full of cats . You could smell crazy on him

Thor: I care how you speak . Loki is beyond reason , but he is an asgardian . And he's my brother

Nat: He killed eighty people in two days

Thor: He's adopted

Y/N: That's what I call a safe

Bruce: I think it's about mechanics . The iridium , what do they need that for ?

???: It's stabilising agent

We turn and see Mr.Stark

Tony: It means that the portal won't collapse like it did at Shield . It also means that the portal can stay open as long as Loki wants

Stark goes over to Fury position

Tony: How does Fury even see this ?

Hill: He turns

Y/N: Sounds exhausting . Does anyone else wonder what happened to his other eye ?

I feel my spider sense as someone wanted to slap me from behind . I quickly catch the hand and see it was Daisy who wanted to slap me

Y/N: Not working , babe

Daisy: That sense of yours

Tony then starts talking about materials that Barton would need to get to help Loki with his plan

Steve: Does Loki need any particular kind of power source ?

Bruce: Well , Selvig would have to heat the cube to hundred and twenty milion kelvin to break trough the Coulomb barrier

Tony: Not unless has Selvig figured how to stabilise the quantum tunnel effect

Y/N: If he could do that , he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet

Tony: Finally someone else than the kid who speak english

Steve: Is that what just happened

Daisy: You'll get use to it

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