20-Riot (Spider-Man and Quake)

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I and the Coulson's team are just walking through some old streets . I have my suit and mask on , so if I bump into Jason , he's not gonna recognize me

Daisy is next to me and the rest ahead of us

Daisy: You know , you still owe me the date

I laugh

Y/N: Don't worry . I would never forget that


We're just looking at the stone and Simmons studying it properly

Simmons: It doesn't look like normal meteor

Y/N: Hey , my love

Daisy look at me

Y/N: I sorry , but this time I wasn't talking to you . Daisy , you with me ?

Daisy(A.I.): Yes Y/N

Y/N: Great . How does it look like ? Jemma said it doesn't look like normal meteor , so , what is it ?

Daisy(A.I.): It looks like a stone from different planet . It could be possibly a stone from planet where different types of organism living

Y/N: So , you're saying it could possibly have something inside of it ? Something like symbionte perhaps ?

Daisy(A.I.): I doubt that . The stone have normal features right now . If there was something in it , it's not in it anymore

I then feel my spider sense goes off and I turn around

Daisy: Y/N ? Is something wrong ?

Y/N: I.. don't know . I think

Suddenly some grey creture jump infront of us

Y/N: This is wrong ! Get Fitz-Simmons out of here ! I'll handle this !

Daisy: You sure ?!

Y/N: Go !

Daisy take FitzSimmons and lead them away and I run at the creature

When I was close enough , I jump and shot my web at him and manage to kick him in the face

Y/N: Sorry buddy , you can't destroy buldings like this

???: Ahhh , Spider-Man , I'm glad to finally see you

Y/N: You know me ?

???: My host does , and we don't like what you're doing

He creates some sharp thing on his hand and swing at me . I manage to duck and jump away

Y/N: You know me . But I didn't catch up your name

???: I'm Riot

Y/N: Nice to meet you

Riot: Likewise , shame that I'm gonna kill you !

He swings at me again , but I duck . My spider sense goes off , but before I could do something , he hit me with his second hand and send me flying into some building

Y/N: Okay , that hurts

He want to hit me again , but I jump away . I start shooting a webs on his legs

Y/N: Did someone taught you that when you're bigger , your fall's gonna hurt more ?

He ripped the webs like nothing

Y/N: It seems like someone did

He take me and throw me away

Riot: You know , Spider-Man . We tought you're a warrior , but every warrior will die once . And this is your day

He make some sharp blade instead of his hand and goes to stab me with it

???: Stay away from him !

Suddenly something send Riot away . But I'm too weak to even look who it was . It feels like my body's burning inside

???: Y/N ?! The creature is away , it's okay . You're okay . Simmons's gonna look at it , once we're gonna be back in the plane

Y/N: Da-Daisy ?

Daisy: Yeah , it's me baby , it's me . Can you stand ?

I feel my eyes starting to shuting up , probably from the exhaustion

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