34-Vacation (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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(Upstate New York)
Two weeks later

It's been now two weeks since Sokovia and now myself and the other Avengers are in upstate New York . This is because Tony decided to build ne Avengers facility here

Right now I'm walking down the hallway Tony , Steve , Thor and Daisy as the four of us are seeing Thor off

Tony: The rules are changing , we're dealing with something new

Steve: The vision is and A.I.

Tony: A machine

Daisy: So it doesn't count ?

Y/N: No , it's not like a person lifting the hammer

Steve: Right , different rules for us

Y/N: He's nice guy

Tony: Artificial

Y/N: Yea

Thor: If he can wield the hammer , he can keep the mind stone . It's safest with Vision . And these days safe is in short supply

There was moment of silence

Steve: But if you put the hammer in an elevator

Tony: It'd still go up

Y/N: The elevator's not worthy

Daisy rolled her eyes

Daisy: Jesus Christ, boys

Thor smiles and put his hand on my shoulder

Thor: I'm gonna miss these talks, Man of spiders

Y/N: Not if you don't leave

Thor: I have no choice . The mind stone is the fourth infinite stone to show up in last few years , and that's not coincidence

The five of us head outside

Thor: Someone has been playing a game and made pawns of us . And once all of the pieces are in position...

Tony: Triple Yahtzee

Steve: You think you can find out what's coming ?

Thor: I do

Thor then pats Tony on the chest and me on the shoulder

Thor: Aside from this two . There's nothing that can't be explained

Y/N: I don't know if I should flattered or ashamed

Daisy smiles at me

Thor then summons byfrost and uses to fly off to who knows where

We all look at the ground

Tony: That man has no regard for lawn maintenance

We start walk to the dirt drive way

Tony: I'm gonna miss him though and I'm gonna miss you guys and you guys are gonna miss me . There's bound to a lot of tears

Steve: I will miss you Tony

Y/N: Me too

We all look at Daisy

Daisy: Don't look at me, this is your guys talk

Tony: Just say you're gonna miss me and we're good

Daisy: I won't

Tony: I know you will miss me, just admit it

Daisy: No

Tony: Yes

Daisy: Damn.. Okay, fine. I'm gonna miss you. For a few days

Tony: Yea well . It's time for me to tap out boys . Maybe I should take a page outta Barton's book , build Pepper a farm and hope no-one blows it up

Steve: The simple life

We see two cars and one of them is Tony's

Tony: You guys get there one day

Y/N: I hope so, but.. It's still pretty early for that

I look at Daisy and she smiles

Steve: I don't know . Family , stability . I think the guy that wanted all that went into the ice seventy-five years ago . I think someone else came out

Tony: Nice car Y/N . I'm kinda sad it's not an Audi . But it's nice though

Y/N: If you and me had a race ten times , I would win ten times

Tony chuckles and looked at Steve

Tony: You okay ?

Steve looked around for a moment

Steve: I'm home

After that Tony drives away and Daisy and I goes over to my car

After that Tony drives away and Daisy and I goes over to my car

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Steve: And what are you gonna do ?

Y/N: I want to be Y/N for a moment . I need vacation . So Daisy and I are taking vacation

Steve: You deserve it Y/N. Both of you do

I put my hand out for a handshake and he accept it

Y/N: Good luck , Steve

Steve: You too , Y/N

I smile and Steve head to the compound

We sit in the car and i roll my window down

Daisy: So ?

I look at her

Y/N: What ?

Daisy: You should ask me on a date . You promised

Y/N: Okay . Daisy Johnson , would you go out on a date with me ?

Daisy: Of course

I smile and we drove away

(A/N): Okay , that's all for Avengers Age of Ultron . I want to thank you for your support on this book . So thank youu

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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