16- The idea (Avengers)

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When i come to , I see i'm the only one in the lab . I then stand up and run out of the room down the hallway . After a moment of running i hear roaring and i know it's Hulk

I follow the roaring and furst thing i see is Nat . She looked terrified . I come to her and kneel before her

Y/N: Are you okay ?

I asked and she just nods

I let her there and follow the roaring . And when i find Hulk i see that Thor and Hulk fighting

I then hear Fury come over to comms

Fury(over the comms): It's Barton . He took out our systems and is heading for detention level . Does anyone copy ?

Y/N: This is Spider-Man . I copy

I then make my way down to detention level

Few minutes later

Once i make it to detention level , i see Barton and i run up behind him . My spider sense goes off as he turns around and tries to hit me with his bow but i catched it

Clint: Hello there , Spider

Y/N: Hey Clint . It's been a while

I head butt him and he stumbles back

Clint: Let's see if you're good fighter

He start attacking me , but I manage to block his punches and throw him few metres away

Y/N: Hey Robin Hood without hood , chill the fuck out ! We're friends

He runs at me and two of us start fighting . He kicks me down and then tries to shoot an arrow at me but i move out of the way and stand back up

Y/N: You know , it's little rude Clint . But because we're friends I'm gonna leave it for now

I run at him and start punching him and then i uppercut him and kick him . Once he was on the ground a kick him again and he black out

I then see Natasha coming towards me

Nat: That was really effective

Y/N: I had the best teachers . You , my mom

I look at Clint

Y/N: Clint , Daisy

Then he opened his eyes and look at Nat

Clint: Natasha ?

Natasha then punches Clint and he passed out . Again

Y/N: You're okay ?

Nat: I'm good . What about you ? Your mom and girlfriend would kill me if anything happens to you

I chuckle

Y/N: I'm good

Nat: What happened when you touched the scepter ? You had panic attack , so don't tell me it was nothing

Y/N: Don't worry about it now , please . It was some stupid dream . Don't worry

Nat: Okay , okay . But if anything , you can always come to me , okay ?

I hug her

Y/N: Thank you , Nat

Twenty minutes later

I just was informed that Coulson is dead and Daisy is broken because of it

Right now we're in our room and Daisy is cleaning my wound . I'm not gonna lie . Clint make some good moves

Daisy is extremely quiet and I know why

I take her hands and help her up . I look in her eyes

Y/N: Come here

I hug her and I can feel she's starting crying

Daisy: I can't believe he's gone Y/N

Y/N: Me too . He loved you Daisy . You were like daughter to him

I broke the hug and make her looking into my eyes

Y/N: I love you Daisy Johnson . You can always come to me , you can tell me everything . I'm always gonna be there for you , like you were there when my dad dies

Daisy: I love you Y/N

Somebody knock on our door and we see it's Steve

Steve: I'm sorry if I'm interupting something . But Fury needs you two on the bridge , so

Y/N: Yeah , we'll be there in a minute

Steve: Okay

He then look at Daisy

Steve: I'm sorry about your loss ma'am

Daisy: Thanks Steve

Anyway we put some clean clothes on and make our way on the bridge

Fury isn't here . So I sit down between Stark and Cap and Daisy sit on my lap and put her head on my shoulder

After a minute Fury arrives and take something from his jacket .

Fury: These were in Coulson's jacket . I guess he never did get you to sign them

He throws a pack of cards on the table and they have blood on them

Fury: We're dead in the air up here . Our communications , the location of the cube , Banner , Thor . I got nothing for you . I lost my one good eye . Maybe i had that coming

He takes a breath

Fury: Yes we were going to build an arsenal with the tesseract . I never put my chips on that number though

Y/N: Why's that ?

Fury: Because I'm playing something even riskier ,  kid . There was and idea . Stark knew this called the Avengers Initiative . The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people , to see if they could become something more . To see if they could work together when we needed them to , to fight the battles we never could . Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea . In heroes

Then Tony stands up and leaves the room .

Fury: Well it's an old fashioned thing

Then Steve stands up and leaves the room as well . Daisy start whispering to my ear

Daisy(whispering): Go talk to Tony .

Daisy then stand up so I can get out of the room to Tony

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