31- New plan (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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After some time hanging out with Clint's kid and some walk in the woods , I go to house and see Nick Fury

Y/N: Ouh , Fury . It's pleasure to see you again .

Fury: Hello Y/N , you mind joining us ? We have few things to discuss

I go over to Tony who play darts

Fury: Ultron took you guys out of play to buy himself time . All my contacts telling me he's building something

Y/N: Ohh really ? I thought that he stole the vibranium for fun

Fury look at me with deadly stare

Y/N: Okay , I shut up now

Fury: Given all the Vibranium he got away with , I don't think it's just for one thing

Steve: What about Ultron himself

Fury: Oh , he's everywhere right now . That guy multiple faster than Catholic rabbit

I can't help but chuckle at this

Daisy: I'm guessing that he's still going after launch codes , right ?

Fury: Yes , he is . There is only one problem

Tony: I don't see how that's a problem as I cracked pentagon's firewall

Y/N: Oh really ? I once hacked into FBI's system. It was fun actually

Tony chuckle and fist bump me

Tony(chuckling): Nice one kid

Fury: Anyway , I talked to some friends at the Nexus about that

Steve: Nexus ?

Bruce: It's an hub in Oslo . Every bite of data runs through there

Clint: So what'd they say ?

Fury: They're say that the launch codes are constantly changing

Y/N: By who ?

Clint then throws 3 darts that all hit bullseye . I look at him with "really" look and smirks at me

Fury: No one knows

Daisy: So we have an ally ?

Y/N: No , Ultron has an enemy . That's not the same thing

Fury: Exactly and I'd pay good money to find out who it is

Tony: I might have visit Oslo and have a look

Y/N: I'm gonna go with you . I would love to look at it as well

Tony nods

Nat: No offence boss , but when I saw you I thought you'd have more to offer

Fury: I do . I have you guys . Back in the day I have eyes everywhere and ears everywhere else . You kids had all tech in the world , but here we all with only are wit and will to save the world . Ultron says that the Avengers are the only thing between him and his goal is global destruction . So stand . Outwit the platinum bastard

Y/N: You know , normally i would say it was a great speech . But I think Steve disagrees .

Fury look at me slightly confused

Y/N: He doesn't like that kind of talk

Steve smiles at me

Steve: You know what L/N

I smirk and Daisy giggles

Fury: So what does he want ?

After talking some more we find out Ultron is planning to evolve by creating a new body for himself . We then decide to split up

Tony and I are going to the Nexus . Banner is gonna go with Fury back to Avengers tower and the rest are going to deal with Ultron

After some talk with Daisy I join Steve and Tony in living room .

Steve: I'll take Natasha , Clint and Daisy

Y/N: Keep an eye on her, for me

Steve: I will, Y/N

Tony: Okay , this is just a recon . We'll hit the Nexus . Then we'll join you as soon as we can

Steve: So , if Ultron's really building a body

Y/N: He'll be powerful than any of us

Tony: Maybe all of us . An android designed by a robot

Steve: You know , I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me

Y/N: Before you came from ice , the weirdest thing science created was that spider that bit me

Steve and Tony chuckle at this

We then see Fury come over as he puts his jacket on

Fury: I'll drop Banner off at the tower . You mind if I borrow Ms.Hill ?

Tony: She's all yours . Apparently

Y/N: What are you gonna do ?

Fury: I don't know . Something dramatic I hope

I chuckle as Fury pats me on the shoulder before leaving with Banner

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