32-Getting ready (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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Third person perspective

After the figure is thrown through the hall as it goes towards the window .

Y/N readies himself for a fight and jumps over the railing , but Thor signals him to stop


After that we all go to the main room to regroup . The purple figure then floats down to us and lands next to Thor

???: I'm sorry , that was odd . Thank you

Steve: Thor , you helped to create this ?

Thor: I've had a vision . A whirpool that sucks in all hope of life , and at its center is that

Y/N: You mean the gem ?

Thor: It's the mind stone . It's one of six infinity stones . The greatest power in the universe , unparalleled in its destructive capabilities

Steve: Then why would you bring...

Thor: Because Stark and L/N are right

Y/N: It's nice to know that I was right in something

Bruce: Oh it's definitely the end of the times...

Thor: The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron

???: Not alone

Daisy: I'm confused . Why does your vision sounds like Jarvis

Tony: We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new...

Steve looks at Tony and me

Steve: I think I've had my fill of new

Y/N: Well , the serum that was used to you , was new . Just saying

Vision: You think I'm child of Ultron

Steve looks at Vision

Steve: And you're not ?

Vision: I'm not Ultron , I'm not Jarvis . I am... I am

Then all of us start debating if we can trust Vision or not .

Vision: Ultron will end it all

Steve: What's he waiting for ?

Vision: Mr.Stark. But he wants Spider-Man's head as well

Y/N: Sweet, where is he?

Bruce: Sokovia

Clint: Sokovia . It's where he's keeping Nat

Vision goes on to say that he doesn't know if he's a monster and that we can't beat Ultron without the help of each other

Vision: There may be no way for you to trust me . But we need to go

Then Vision picks up Thor's hammer . We all look in shock as Thor takes it and Vision walks away

Y/N: He's Artificial , it doesn't count . But I have to admit , I'm convinced...

Thor: Right . Well done

Steve: Five minutes . Get what you need

Then we all go and get ready

I go to my bunker and decide to use my new suit

Y/N: Daisy , how's the SM13 project going ?

Daisy(A.I.): It's ready for use , sir

): It's ready for use , sir

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Y/N: I love it

As I'm suiting up i hear knock on my door

Y/N: Dais?

Daisy(A.I.): It's agent Johnson , sir . Should I let her in ? Or I should tell her to wait ?

Y/N: Let her in , thanks

I turn around and look at her . I can see she's mad

Y/N: What ? Are you mad ? Or...

Daisy: Mad ? Of course not . I just wanted to see if you're okay ?

Y/N: Why I wouldn't be ?

Daisy: I can't imagine what you've been through Y/N. Since you came back, you're... different. You've been distant, you never told me what really happened

Y/N: They did a horrible things, Dais. I never told anyone, but, remember Riot? He wasn't the only symbionte on Earth. There is another one and they thinks that I'm the perfect host for it. So they prepared me for it, they tried use my rage. And it worked. When I fight, I'm not holding my punches anymore, it's like the rage inside me is, even without the symbionte

Daisy: You never told me that, I thought that I messed up and..

Y/N: That's why I helped create this. I've been a month locked up in the cage and didn't knew if you're okay. But this was something that could help protect people when I'm not around

Daisy: I understand your reason. I really do. I know you're trying to forget, and that's why you're smiling at everyone, but remember, we're here for you

Y/N: I will, thanks

She nodded and smiled at me as she smacked my ass

Daisy: Like the new suit

I smiled and she left

I head down to Steve

Steve: I like the suit . Project SM13 ?

Y/N: Yes , thanks . And sorry . For what I said earlier. I promise I will explain it to you after all this

Steve: You don't have to Y/N. We can't change the past. Even if we wanted to. I'm sorry too. You deserve a break

Y/N: We all do

Steve nodded

Steve: You ready ?

Y/N: I guess . You can't be ready for your possibly last fight

Steve: Yea , you're right in that . Let's go

Steve and I then head out to the quinjet with the others . Then as we head to Sokovia , Cap decide to give us little speech to prepare us

(A/N): You already know the speech , so I'm jist gonna skip it . Is that okay with or should I these speeches write as well ?

We then continue to Sokovia to stop Ultron for once and all

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