29-Getting our ass kicked (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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Timeskip/Africa Coast

So we're now on the African Coast and a ship that Klaue operates from

We all make our way inside . I go with Steve , Tony and Thor . The rest of us is covering us from top

As we walk further into the ship , we hear Ultron talking

Ultron: I'm nothing like Stark ! He's.....he's a sickness ! And Spider-Man ? He's nothing more than kid in spandex !

Steve , Thor and I walk up . Tony lands next to me

Tony: Oh Jr. You're gonna break your old man's hearth .

Y/N: Yea , it's not nice . You want to break our hearts ?

Ultron: If I have to

Thor: No-one has to break anything

Ultron: Then you're clearly never made an omelet

Y/N: He beat me by one second, can you believe it?

Tony chuckle at this

Tony: That makes the two of us kid

Pietro Maximoff then walks forward

Pietro: So , Mr.Stark . Does this place feel comfortable ? Like the old times ?

Tony: This was never my life kid

Steve then looks at the twins

Steve: You two can still walk away from this

Wanda then spoke up

Wanda: Oh , we will

Steve: I know you've suffered

Ultron: Oh , Captain America . God's righteous man . Pretending you could live without a war . I can't physsicaly throw up in my mouth but...

Y/N: Hey T-800 , if you believe in peace , let us keep it

Tony: Good one kid

Y/N: Yea, I know

Ultron: Enough ! Anyway I think you're confusing peace with quiet Spider-Man

Y/N: Maybe . But i would prefer quiet instead of your talks so..

Ultron: Don't worry. I think that smile's gonna leave your mouth

Y/N: I heard that before

Ultron: I'm not like these guys you beat up . I can save the world . You just don't wanna admit it

Y/N: Maybe. But Skynet wanted to "save" the world too , so . You know, I saw Terminator , so i know your plan. Was it Terminator 3?

Tony: As much as I'm enjoying your little talk about good movies . I have a question

Y/N: I have two actually . First one is simple , why don't you have... you know. Skin like normal human, like our good old Arnie did

Ultron: Can you stop compare to a move character, did someone ever tell you that you're annoying ?!

Tony: I did actually

Y/N: And the second one . What's the vibranium for ?

Ultron: I hoped you ask . Because i'd like take the time to explain my evil plan to you

Ultron blast Tony away . They're continue the fight in the air as the rest of us dealing with Ultron bots

I see Wanda Maximoff so I rush to her and she tried to hit me with her magic whitch i ducked and then shot a web on her hand and pull her close to me . When she was close enough a take her down with punch , but i dodn't get all my strenght to it because i didn't want to hurt her . I look at her and saw flash of fear in her eyes

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