33-Sokovia (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

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After hearing that we make it to Sokovia , once we're out of quinjet I help Cap evacuate the civilians to get them out of city. I know Ultron wants my head, so Tony told me to stay away

Then out of nowhere Cap and I get attacked by Ultron bot's that are coming out of ground

He and I fight them off, we feel the ground start shaking

Y/N: What the fuck is this ?!

Steve: I don't know. But I don't like it

We look over to edge to see part of the city is taking of into the air

Y/N: Well, I think I found the problem..

Steve: You think ?

We then hear Ultron give a speech through his bot's , which are just extansion of himself

As I'm fighting more bot's at the end of the bridge I get tackled by a bot and sent flying into the car

Tony: Kid , you got incoming

Y/N(groaning): Thanks for the info , but incoming already came in

Steve then goes over to me and help me up

Steve: Stark , you worry about getting the city back down . The rest of us have one job . Tear these things apart . Ypu get hurt , hurt'em back . You get killed , walk it off

Steve and I nod at each other

As Cap and I are fighting , I hear Hulk roar , so I know Natasha is back and hopefully she will be there soon

As I'm destroying last few bots i feel my spider sense goes off, I quickly turn around but was slow for block the attack from enemy bot. I close my eyes but feel no pain. I open them and see the bot teared apart and Daisy smiling as she goes over to me

She take off my mask and give me a kiss

Daisy: I saved your ass

Y/N: I had it under control

Peggy: Is that so ?

Y/N: Are you okay?

Daisy: I'm fine. But your face is little messy

Y/N: I know

I take my mask back on

As I start running to some action , I hear Daisy. So I stop and turn around

Daisy: If you'll die , I'll kill you

Y/N: Sure thing

Daisy(A.I.): I don't understand that analogy

Y/N: You don't have to

Then I joined the fight to help Steve and Nat and Daisy goes to help Barton and Wanda

Nat: I'm taking it you two are coming back to normal ?

Y/N: I hope so, I know I made a mistakes, but I wanna be with her and I wanna make it right. With all of yo—

Steve: I'm really glad you two are together again, and all, but, can you leave it for now ?

Y/N: Sure thing

After few minutes of fighting we hear Barton over the comms

Clint: We're all clear here

Y/N: We are really not clear, Robin Hood!

Clint: Alright , coming to you

After clearing out the bots we finally to get all civilians to a safe place

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