8-With great power , comes great responsibility (Spider-Man)

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Three days later

Oh my god , I'm so nervous . It's practically a real date with my crush

I told mum about the Vulture and decide to leave it for them . I planning to give my attention to the most beautiful girl

Suddenly somebody call me , I look who it was and see it was Tory

Y/N: Hey , what's up ?

Tory: Hey , you're going with Skye ? Look , come to my place . My dad rented a limo , so if you want a ride , you can come over

Y/N: Yea , I'm just waiting for Skye , but then sure

I hear door bell so I go open the doors and when as I opened them I couldn't breath

I hear door bell so I go open the doors and when as I opened them I couldn't breath

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Y/N: Oh my god . You look beautiful

"Skye": Thanks , you look handsome too

Y/N: Let's go . Tory's waiting on us . She's got a limo and her dad driving . Let's go

I close the door and offered her my hand which she accept


I knock on theirs door and somebody open the door . When I see who it was , i can't make myself speak

'Boss': Hey , you're Y/N and this lovely girl is Skye , right ? I'm Adrian Toomes

"Skye": Yes sir

He extend his hand for me and I accept it but I take it little stronger than I should

Toomes: Nice grip , kid ! Let's go inside . We're waiting for Tory's boy . How was his name ? Miguel ?

We go inside and some woman approach us

Ms.Toomes: Hi . You're Y/N ? And you're Skye ? My daughter told us you two are created for each other . Exactly like Miguel and Tory

I keep looking at Toomes and Skye notice that

"Skye": I'm sorry , my boyfriend's little shy

I look at her what she meant . First of all I'm not her boyfriend and I'm not shy

Y/N: I'm not shy

"Skye": Yes you are

I look again at Toomes

Toomes: You're good ? You seem little... I don't know , little off

Y/N: Yea , I'm good

Suddenly there was another knock on the door and Toomes goes open the door

Then Miguel comes over to us

Miguel: There's the man

We did our handshake and than he look at Skye

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