13- Fighting with a god (Avengers)

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As we're flying back , Stark , Steve and I stand in our suits , i don't have my mask on . As we're keeping eye on Loki , i heard Fury trought the coms

Fury: Is he saying anything

Nat: No , not yet

Fury: Okay , just get him back here . We're low on time

Suddenly Steve spoke up

Steve: I don't like it

Tony: What ? The rock of Ages gave up so easily ?

Y/N: Yea , i don't like it either

Steve: Exactly . I'm just saying I don't remember it being that easy . This guy packs a bunch

Y/N: Well , let me say that you are really spry for an older guy . What's your thing ? Pilates ?

Cap looks at me and then on Tony sligtly confused

Steve: What's that ?

Tony: Oh , it's like calisthenics . You may have missed a couple of thing's doing time as a capsicle

I can't help , but i chuckle at this

Steve: Fury didn't tell us , je was bringing you in

Y/N: I think there's more thing our dear friend Fury doesn't tell us . It's SHIELD after all . And there is only few people I trust

Daisy come over to us

Daisy: We talk about it with Y/N . I know there is something Fury doesn't tell us

Tony: Shouldn't you be sticking up with them

Daisy: Just because I am SHIELD agent , it doesn't mean I trust them . I trust only few people

Tony: Y/N , that's the lucky girl you've told me about ? I can see why you like her , she has her own head and that's good

Y/N: That's her . Mr.Stark , this is Daisy , my girlfriend

They shake their hands

Tony: Nice to meet you

We then hear lightning and Loki looks little bit scared by this

Y/N: What's the matter , sweethearth ? Scared of little lightning ?

Loki: I'm not overly of what follows

This confuses all of us and we shared confused look . Then there was bang from above us .
The quinjet ramp opens and a big guy with blonde hair knocks Stark down and takes Loki with him . Mr.Stark then get up

Tony: Now , there' that guy

Nat: Another Asgardian ?

Steve: That guy's friendly ?

Tony: Doesn't matter , if he frees Loki or kill him the tesseract is lost

Steve: Wait Stark . We need a plan of attack!

Tony: I have a plan . Attack

He flies out of the jet

Y/N: Well , that was cool

I put my mask on . Then i go over to ramp , ready to jump

Daisy: Y/N , don't even think about it

Y/N: I never do Daisy

I jump out from the jet

Daisy's POV

Daisy: Why he never listen to me ?

Nat: He's a guy , they're bad at listening

Daisy: True


I make a parachute from my webs . When i was close enough to see Stark fighting with blondie . I see Tony being knock's out . I kicked blondie to the back and go to Tony

Y/N: You okay ?

Tony: Yea , that guy can't give a punch

My spidersense go off , so i quckly ducked under his magic hammer

Y/N: That guy really loves his hammer , right Mr.Stark

Tony: Yea , but I told you to call me Tony kid

We continue fighting this big guy

After a minut or so , i see Cap's shield hit three of us and jump down to us , so i back of

Steve: Now , i don't know what you plan on doing here

???: I've come to put an end to Loki schemes

Y/N: Then why you hustling us ? We are on the same side

Steve: Then prove it . Put the hammer down

Tony: Oh yeah , no . Bad call , Cap . This guy loves his littl-

he then hit Stark and send him to the tree

???: You want me to put the hammer down ?!

He then jumps up to hit Steve , but he covered with his shield

That's caused shock wave that send all of us flying back

When i wake up , trees have been knocked down like some sort of explosion . Mr.stark then look to me

Tony: You okay , kid ?

Y/N: Yea , are we done here ?

I said and get up

Blondie nods . So we take Loki and go to the jet

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