21-New plan (Spider-Man and Quake)

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Few hours later

I start slowly opening my eyes and see I'm in some sort of medbay

I look next to me and see Daisy sleeping in the chair next to my bed

I slowly take her hand and squezze it . Daisy's eyes immidietly shots open

Daisy: Oh my god , you're awake ! I was so worried

Y/N: Are you okay ?

Daisy: Am I okay ?! You're the one who's laying on the medbay , what was even that thing ?!

Y/N: It said it's called Riot

???: It's a symbionte , probably came with the stone from the space

I quickly sit up and Look at FitzSimmons

Y/N: You're saying there is really another live in this universe ? Well , I had my theory , but still , so cool

Simmons: Exactly ! It's awesome !

???: I would cut this term

???: Exactly , it's potentional threat for Earth

I look over to see Agent May and Agent Coulson

Y/N: That's true , my super strenght did nothing to Riot

Simmons: Which lead us to think that this creature have some fast healing and it's not feeling too much pain

Fitz: Correction, any pain

Y/N: Just great. We saved a world from alien army and now we have to deal with alien, who don't feel any pain. Correct me if I'm wrong

All of the people in the lab look at each other and then back to me

Simmons: Pretty much

Daisy: We have to find it

Y/N: Yeah, and even if we do, how do we defeat it ?

Daisy: You're smart, you'll figure something out

Y/N: And what if I don't ? How many prople will die ?

Daisy: Guys, can you give us a moment ?

They all nod and leave the lab

Daisy goes closer to me. So close that our faces are nearly touching

Daisy: You remember how you ditched me on homecoming ? You did it for the right thing. I never was mad that you did the right thing. I would be mad if you didn't

Y/N: I'm still sad about the homecoming. I've had a huge crush on you and I just wanted to dance with you

Daisy: Once this is over, we will have that dance

Y/N: And a romantic dinner

She give me a deep kiss but suddenly stop and whisper something in my ear

I'm not gonna say what she said, but I'm gonna say it is really dirty

Y/N: Okay deal

Daisy: You have to figure it out first, you know ?

Y/N: I know

As I was thinking I came up with idea

Y/N: Jesus, I've got a plan . Simmons !

Simmons then comes back to the lab

Simmons: Yes ?

Y/N: I've got a plan. We need make some cartridge, once I'm gonna fight with, I take piece of his... body? And we can analyze it

Daisy: You're forgeting one detail

I look at her

Daisy: You have to fight him, and get to close to him so you can get what you want. But what if you're not gonna make it ? What if he's gonna kill you ? What if...

Y/N: Daisy, don't worry. We're gonna get him somewhere far from the city. Once I'm gonna have what I want, I will dissapear

Daisy: I can't lost you Y/N. I know I told you that you'll figure something out, but still. Now when you came up with idea, I realised there is high chance of you getting hurt

She look me in the eyes and I could see the fear in them

I run my thumb across her cheek and then give her a slight kiss

Y/N: You will not lost me Dais. I will be fine

Daisy: Ughh, okay. But if you'll die, I'll kill you

I smile

Y/N: I know

Simmons: Okay, let's get started

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