Part 19 : A message

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Y/n's POV

As I opened my eyes, I felt a strong pain at my head. I groaned in pain and recognize the room as a hospital room.

A nurse helped me to sit straight.
"Ouch" I whimpered as I felt a pain in my ankle.

"Are you OK ma'am?"

I saw my left leg covered with a thick bandage.

"Is my leg fractured?"

"No ma'am, but because of the heavy load on your leg is sprained and it will take weeks to recover, rest everything is fine."

"Who saved me?"

"A military man. Seemed like a captain. He has ordered you to go back to your home... He had booked your flight tickets back to Seoul along with one more doctor who declared himself as your friend."

"Where is the one who saved me?"

"He is at the site where earthquake happened."

"Can you call him? I wanna thanks him."

"Sorry ma'am, but we can't contact him... And your tickets are of today's evening."
Door opened and entered in Jin with a bandage in forehead.

"How are you now?"

I nodded.

"I am also going with you back to Seoul... It's Time. Let's go. I'll help you."
He came by my side and helped me to stand up as I hold his shoulder to walk.

"Can you give me a minute, Jin? Before we head to leave."

"Yeah sure."

"Wait outside. I'm coming."
He went out and I sat back on the bed.

"Can I get a pen and paper?"
I asked the nurse.

She passed me one with exam pad.

After writing a message for him, I called that nurse.

"Give this paper to that military man who saved me."

"Sure ma'am."

I rang the bell of my home. It was early of morning and my phone and Jin's phone was also dead. I couldn't tell Taehyung about my arrival.

I don't even have spare keys and it was 3AM of morning.

Ringing it for nth time, he finally opened the door with lazy eyes. But his eyes widen the second he saw me. He hugged me and I stumbled but Jin helped me from back so that I won't fall.

"Gosh! I missed you. I missed you very much... But wait-"
He broke the hug.

"What happened at your head?"
He said as he noticed bandage at my forehead. Then he panicked as he saw my leg bandaged.

"How did this happen?"
He bent down checking it touching my swollen ankle.

"Well, When I was in debris in search of any patient, a small shake happened and then this."

"Who told you to go in debris?"

He tmched and carried me in arms. He faced Jin.

"Thank you, Dr. Jin. To bring her home safely."

"No need for thanks... Before your wife she is my friend."
Taehyung flashed a smile at him and I smiled too.

"I could have shaked hand with you but-"

"No, its OK. Take care of her."

"You also take care of yourself. I see you are also wounded."

"Thanks for your care. I must leave now. Good nig---morning."

Love Triangle [KTH-Y/N-JJK] ✔️~payalgupta3012 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon