Part 36 : Always Beside Her

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Flashback continues
Y/n's POV

We three sat, in front of Imo, in all silence, I was in middle while Jisoo was on right and kook on left side.

Imo broke the silence starting her enquiry.

"So, you knew about them all this while?"
Jisoo looked up slowly and nodded her head while I bit my lip.

"How often you came here to hide their marks?"

"Twice a wee--- Ah! Ouch!"
She started speaking but I stopped her pinching on her thigh.

"Twice a week?... My son grew up and I never knew?!"
She said and my cheeks burnt in embarrassment.

"Mom... You agreed our relationship... Leave it... Why are you enquiring about it?"

"Hmm... Shouldn't I? I'm your mom..."
Jungkook sighed.

The door bell rang and I stood up, trying to escape this dead silence area, taking an excuse of opening the door.

"You sit!"
She said in cold voice and I returned back to my seat.

"Jisoo... Go check!"
She said and Jisoo stood up.

"You both are quite young... Any mistake and y/n's life can be troubled. You know what I mean right? Girls of today at age of 16 can't handle delivery pain. You've studied it right y/n?"
I nodded.

"57 del of pain..."
Jungkook said and my eyes snapped to him. He remembered what I taught him.

"57 Del equals breaking of more than 100 bones in a body at a same time... I know it."
Our eyes were widened.

"I love her mom."
He said and held my hand, and just then I felt a euphoric feeling.
"Do you think, I would let her feel so much pain, at this age? I would never... I always go to buy condoms, I make sure she doesn't gets pregnant, and if she will by chance because condoms are 97% effective, I'll listen and follow what she wants. If she wants pills to abort, I'll support her. I'll still support her if she choose otherwise."
His grip around my hand tighten.

"If our intercourse is an issue, then I promise mom... I won't do it."
I sighed and looked at mom.

"It's cake and Pizza... Who ordered these?"
Jisoo said coming to hall, holding pizza and cake boxes.

All confused I looked at mom who was smiling now.

"I'm proud of you my son... I'm proud of myself, I raised a gentleman... You care for her, love her is something that anyone can do... Supporting each others decision, is what I wanted you to do. I was so happy when you said that you will agree to whatever she decides if by chance she gets pregnant...
And I don't need any promises from you... Just make sure about each others health."

We both smiled.

"Was it wrong delivery?"

"Nope... I ordered them... Let's celebrate..."
She said going to Jisoo helping her with boxes.

"You're not mad at us, imo?"

"What you thought, I'm a mother, who will be possessive about my son and part him from his happiness that now lies on y/n... No! I'm a modern thoughts mother...

I was also 15 when I lose my virginity with your dad, Jungkook."
She said and we chuckled.

"Really mom?!"
Jungkook asked and hit his head with the cushion. And we all cheered up.

"Mum-Mumma... Da-dada!"
Shang said entering in hall with her baby steps.

Jungkook went to her and carried her in his arms and pecked his cheek.
She chirped clapping her hands, showing her little teeth.

Love Triangle [KTH-Y/N-JJK] ✔️~payalgupta3012 Where stories live. Discover now