Chapter 16 (Stacy)

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That night was New Year's Eve and the boys figured out that I told Megan to play along with my plan to punish them.


I opened my eyes and pulled Megan in for a hug. While we were in a hug I whispered into Megan's ear.

"Play along with me that I lost my memory of them." I whispered. We parted and I looked at the boys. "Who's them?" I said in my normal voice pointing to them. They had looks of fear, confusion, worry, and sadness on their faces. I know it is wrong of me to do this to them but they need to learn.

"You have got to be kidding me?" Liam said. "Lou, you made us come all this way to get Stacy and now she can't remember us!"

"Don't blame me! Harry was the one who carried her in! He probably isn't telling us the whole truth and something bad happened to her causing all this!" Louis yelled back.

"Oh shut up Louis! I didn't lie to you at all!" Harry yelled.

"Will you all just shut up! Maybe Stacy knows how she lost her memory!" Niall suggest.

"Niall you stupid, she lost her memory! She can't remember shit!" Zayn yelled. I looked at Megan and she had the same expression as me. Louis wasn't lying when he said that they care about me...

"You have to tell them." She whispered in my ear but I doubt that they were able to hear her if she talked in her normal voice with all the yelling over each other.

"I know but I can't. I want to, I really do, but I just can't right now." I whispered back. She sighed.

"But tomorrow you're leaving. You have to tell them now!" She said not in a whisper anymore. I was actually surprised that they actually heard her. "If you're not going to tell them, I will." I sighed.

"I didn't lose my memory. I was going to teach you guys a lesson. I mean you flew here to come get me and all but I wanted to show you that it won't be all rainbow, unicorns, hugs, and kisses." I explode to the boys. Their previous facial expressions changed to anger.

"You lied to us?" Louis asked. I nodded my head looking down.

"I'm sorry."

~Flashback over~

When I snapped out of my flashback the boys were staring at me. Their anger lightened up since earlier but they were still pissed.

"Hey!" Megan said with a smile to advert the attention away from me.

"Hey Meg." Niall said sitting in the sofa next to her.

"You guys didn't miss us to much, right?" Louis joked sitting on one of the chairs. He waved me over to him which I did happily and sat on his lap. He let out a chuckle and snaked his arms around me.

"How could we? Megan wouldn't stop blabbering about tonight and who she might have her kiss with." I said smirking at her.

"Yes well you know me, since I moved and you moved to London, I finally get to kiss you again." She said sarcastically but the boys took it for real.

"Wait really?" Zayn asked sitting on the floor.

"Yes Zayn. We totally have our New Years Kiss with each other." I said sarcastically. Thankfully he knows the difference when I use sarcasm and don't. He rolled his eyes and the subject changed.

"Wait where Liam?" I asked. All of a sudden the door opened and in came Liam and Harry carrying bag of alcohol. Megan and I stared with our jaws on the floor.

"I never seen so much liquor in my life. And I love drinking... Megan said. All I mustered to say was 'uh huh'. Liam and Harry walked into the kitchen putting it all on the counter. They came back and Harry took up the other seat and Liam on the sofa. I got up from Louis arms which he pouted about and fell out of the chair as I walked over and sat with Harry.

"You guys aren't dating right?" Louis asked very serious. we nodded.

"Don't get me wrong, if I could, I would, but no. I'm one who follows rules." I said. Megan nodded forcefully and everyone started laughing.

"Do you think she's joking?" Megan asked and they all nodded. "She not. Once a year in high school, were allowed to brake the rules on the last day of school, do of course k did and then here comes Stacy walking in and for the whole day she didn't brake a single rule. Its not normal! She's possessed!"


Next morning I woke up without a hangover. Unlike Megan who chugged a bottle of wine like she was going to die the next day and didn't bother drinking water before going to bed. I was sitting on the sofa with Liam and Megan and Zayn talking in hushed whispers when Harry, Louis, and Niall came walking out into the room.

"Well well well. Looks like some people can't complete with Megan when it comes to chugging wine." I said smirking.

"There's aspirins and water on the counter for y'all. We'll be leaving in a few minutes to head to the airport." Zayn said. They nodded and walked to the kitchen to take the aspirins.

"Does anyone remember what happened last night or was wall of us drunk and didn't know that to do?" Louis ask walking back over and sitting on one of the chairs. Niall took a seat on Megan, Zayn took the other chair and Harry sat on the ground in front of me. I started to braid his long messy hair which he didn't refuse to.

"I remember all of it." I answered Louis. Harry's eyes widened and looked at me desperate to keep it all a secret. Louis nodded and changed the subject talking to everyone but me and Harry. I leaned down to his ear and whispered into it. "I even remember what you said to me and the New Years kiss..." I said hushed. His cheeks turned pink. Aw he was blushing! "You are so dead if he finds out." I finished saying pulling back and going back to braiding his hair. His blushing only got worse and worse. The boys went to go get dressed and Megan went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of wine. I gave her my 'really?' face.

"What? Its good wine! Plus its never to earlier for a drink when your twin is off to leave you for like 11 months." She defended mumbling the last sentence taking a sip of her wine. While the boys were getting dressed, I was saying good bye to Megan, but our goodbyes are us hugging and not letting go (on reason why I went with her to New York). The boys came back out all dressed while me and Megan were hugging. They actually had to pull us apart and out of the building. Well, Louis Harry put me on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. But before we parted, Megan kissed me and then I was dragged out. Liam was driving since I was to upset to, Louis and Niall had hangovers, Zayn was sleeping, and Harry was to focus on trying to not make the blushing worse. The traffic as like there was none so we got to the airport just in time to make our flight. We boarded the plane and the boys left to go sit near the front of the plane. I glared at them but decided that it was for the best seeing they're mad. So I made my way to the only open seat that looked like it wasn't next to one of those people who won't shut up or will fall asleep on you.

"Uh. Is this seat taken?" I asked the boy with jet black hair that was looking out the window. He looked at me and shook his head.

"No. Please sit." He smiled at me kindly. I returned the smile sitting down. Just a few minutes later, the plane took off and me and the boy started talking.

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