Chapter 20 (Stacy/Louis/Megan/Harry)

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~Stacy's POV~

Today was my birthday. The day I have always hated because I had no one to celebrate with. I made plans to hang out with Zack most of the day. Then with Megan for the time I'm not with him. Even though I know she is somewhere nearby just watching us cause she is honestly like one of those over protective best friends who are like 'if you hurt her I will kill you and make it seem like an accident.' and 'she was my babe/bae/baby/girl first.' I don't really get it, then again she never really had a boyfriend and I never really had her meet my friends that are boys so yeah... Anyways I'm turning 21 today and they boys has a concert so I'm going to tag along then after the concert, we're going to where the party I'm not suppose to know about is. Yeah I'm not going to tell them I know about it... Yet.

I was currently sitting outside this little café with Zack drinking coffee. It was a really nice day out so I was surprised that hardly anyone was sitting outside. It was only us, a few teenagers, and an elderly couple with a teenage girl. Everyone else that was here was inside.

"Bonjour Stacy!" A girl said with a right smile.

"Bonjour!" I returned the smile to the girl.

"I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me? I know it's your birthday and you probably have a lot of things to do, so I understand if you don't want to." The girl asked. I shook my head politely before speaking.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I just have a lot to do before tonight. Come by the concert and I'll be happy to answer your questions then!" I said cheerfully.

"Okay! Thank you, Stacy! Happy Birthday!" The girl said before walking off.

"Right. Off we go then?" Zack stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I smiled and took it as he helped me to my feet. We started walking around town and did a bit of shopping before heading back to the hotel to get ready for the concert/party. I decided on a powder blue sleeveless dress that went to about mid thigh, cream colored heels, and the necklace the boys gave me for Christmas. I sat on the sofa with Zack talking when the boys walked in to the hotel room. Louis walked over and picked me up bridle style and carried me out the door with the boys following. Louis put me down in the passenger seat of the van while everyone else piled in. Zack was the last one in making him sit in the back. When we arrived at the arena, Louis opened my door and picked me up bridle style again and started running threw the arena. The boys got out of the van and rolled their eyes before running after us. Zack was the only one who didn't run.

"Oh my god Louis! Put your sister down!" Megan said. Louis put me down in front of Megan as she pulled me away and towards the arena.

"Girl, I'm wearing heels!" I yelled at Megan.

"So am I!" She pulled me out onto the stage and sat at the end of the cat walk. Megan patted the place next to her and I sat down. There were already a few fans coming in which I was guessing was the early entry one.

"So what did you do today, Ms Tomlinson?" Megan asked me.

"I went shopping. Had breakfast at this really lovely café with Zack. Oh and I went home and got ready for tonight." I said.

"Which you're not supposed to know about so shush." Megan said pressing a finger on my lips and leaving it there. I rolled my eyes and licked it seeing she probably wasn't going to move it. "Ew..."

"Oh em gee! Stacy Tomlinson! I am so jealous of you! You get to live and tour with One Direction! And your Megan! I'm jealous of you too! You're best friends with Stacy! I would kill to be in your positions!" A fan said who was sitting in a seat that is behind the seats Megan and I were going to be sitting in. Zack came out on to the stage and sat next to me.

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