Chapter 3 (Stacy)

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I walked back to where the boys were last after about 8 minutes of reading in my room. When I walked in, I was once again picked up and was thrown, this time I was thrown on the couch.

"Ow! My-" I started to say but then stopped when I saw Louis looking at me concerned.

"Did- Did I hurt you?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just- Just go get the boys." I said sitting up. "Oh and try not to do that again." He nodded and left. About 3 minutes later he came back with the boys in hoodies and dark sunglasses. I tried not to laugh, which was actually kinda easy since if I did, I would hurt.

"Ready?" I asked walking to the door. The boys followed and we got in the car.

"I'll drive!" Louis said running to the car.

"Is that a good idea?" I asked Harry.

"Well, when he drove in 2 music video's, he broke the car. So it's basically up to you to decide."  He replied. I nodded and ran up to Louis and took the keys out of his hand.

"Hey!" He yelled. I started to run away.

"You're not driving!" I said being chased.

"Why not?!" Louis complained.

"Because I said so!"

"I wish that Louis could run faster and get the keys or at least give up..." Niall said.

"I know right." Liam said.

"Don't we have spare key's to the car?" Zayn asked. Louis stopped. I kept ran to the car and got in the driver's seat.

"You mean I chased her for no reason?" Louis said tiredly, walking back to the boys.

"Just get in the car!" I yelled at them and they did.

We drove to McDonald's and ordered. After we ordered we sat down at a booth near the back and waited. The boys talked, I stared out the window. A few minutes later, they called our order and Zayn and Niall went to go get the food. They came back and we ate. A few times 2 or 3 girls came up to us and ask for autographs from the boys. I was very confused by that. Why would girls want their autographs?

We finished our food and walked out to the car. We drove in silence, just listening to the radio. A few times songs, that I listened to in the limo with Simon, came on and the boys sang to it but it just seemed like they were lip singing.

When we finally got back to the house, Zayn, Liam, and Niall went back to plating their video game, Harry went to his room, Louis sat and watch the video game Liam, Zayn, and Niall were playing, and I sat on the couch with the boys and read.

An hour or so later, I fell asleep on the couch.


When I woke up, I was in my bed. I did my normal routine, shower, brush hair, brush teeth, get dress, make the bed. Once I was done, I was opened my door to walk downstairs, but instead I couldn't because all 5 boys, dressed and what looked to be ready to leave, stood there.

"Uh... Good morning?" I said confusedly.

"Good morning!" Louis said smiling.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yep." Liam said.

"How?" I said crossing my arms.

"By coming with us." Niall said.

"To where?"

"To the mall!" Harry said.

"It's to early to go to the mall." I said trying to walk in between the boys to go downstairs. They didn't let me.

Babysitting One Direction (One Direction FanFic) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt