Chapter 17 (Stacy)

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"Wait. Let me get this straight. Your friends are pissed at you because you flew to New York with your best friend and acted liked you lost all memories of them which scared the shit out of them?" The guy that I learned was named Zack Taylor said to see if he understands it correctly. I nodded.

"Yep. And your friends are pissed at you for making out with on of their girlfriends on New Years when you were all drunk." I said. He shrugged.

"Looks like we both got pissed friends." He smiled. I returned the smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing soon so if you may please put your seatbelt on and sit in your up right position, we can insure you a safe landing." The flight attendant said over the intercom and we did so. We were landing a few minutes later and getting off the plane.

"Hey can I have your number? I mean maybe we could meet up sometime while I'm here." Zack said. I nodded and we exchanged numbers. He left to meet up with his friends and the boys came running up to me and started spit firing questions at me about who he was. I giggled and left to get my bags. They followed and continued asking questions. We got our bags and headed home.

"Ok. Shut up for a minute! You have a concert tomorrow night correct?" I said over all the noise. They nodded. "Ok. Now to answer your questions, his name is Zack. And because of you guys, I had to sit with him." I left and went upstairs to my room to unpack. "Also don't bug me unless there is a fire!" I yelled before closing my door. I unpacked my bags and sat at my desk with my laptop for probably the rest of the day... well till Harry and Louis came in and felt like talking.

"Hey Sissy... Louis said peaking his head in the door way. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked as nicely as I could. Louis and Harry walked in and sat on my beanbags while I was laying in my bed with my laptop.

"Um can we have some friends over?" Harry asked fluttering his eyes as Louis gave me the puppy dog face.

"Depends. Who? How many? Are you going to bug me when they're here?" I asked.

"Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton." Louis said smiling.

"And probably not but there may be a slim chance that we will." Harry finished. I sighed.

"Fine but I don't want to see the place a mess when I go downstairs." The boys got up and raced out of my room. I giggled and the Skype notification popped up telling me 'Meggyboo is bæ 😍😘😎' is calling. I answered and her face showed up.

"Hey Stacyboo." She said smiling.

"Sup 'Meggyboo is bæ'." I said smirking.

"I'm going to kill those boys text time I see them." She said seriously. I laughed.

"Then why did you let them on you laptop? You know they would do that." I said. She shrugged.

"They look nice and innocent and won't do anything on the outside but on the inside they are all like 'I'm going change her Skype name and go threw her history'." She said mocking a guy's voice. I was full on laughing at this point. I eventually fell off the bed. "Oh my god! Stacykinz are you ok?" She asked. I continued to laughing but put a thumbs up to let her know I'm good.

"Stacy are you ok!? We heard a thump!" Liam yelled from downstairs.

"Oh yeah I'm just peachy!" I yelled back sarcastically. "It's just Megan made me fall of the bed again!" This was answered back with Niall's laughter. Megan and I talked about random stuff. After a while I decided to change into booty shorts and a tank top. My computer went ding letting me know I had low battery. I hung up with Megan and called her on my phone.

"So are we just going to hang up on each other without warning now?" She asked on the other side of the line.

"No it's just my computer was dying so I didn't have time to tell you I'm hanging up and calling you on my phone." I said while putting my Uggs on.

"Oh ok." She said. I walked downstairs as we continued to talk. "So anyways you let the boys have friends over?"

"Yep. I mean I don't want to be mean plus they have a concert tomorrow night and I want them to have fun with friends tonight."

"Well did you invite Zack over? Maybe you and him will end up getting together and Louis ends up not liking him and then a bunch a shit happens and you have to break up." She said as I walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I opened it up and smelled it to make sure the boys didn't pour vodka in it as a prank. I smelt it and groaned. "What?" Megan asked.

"The boys, most likely Louis or Zyan, poured vodka in the water bottles again." I sighed and just grabbed a soda instead. I heard a whistle from behind me and I instantly knew it was one of the boys friends.

"Oooooo! Is that one of the boys drunk whistling at you?"

"No actually it's one of their friends." I mumbled into the phone. "One sec." I turned around to face the 9 boys that were now in the kitchen.

"Can I help you?" I said directing to question to the friends. "Oh and I would be care to who you're whistling to seeing Lou is my brother. " I smiled and walked out of the room with my soda. I put the phone back to my ear.

"Wow. I'm guessing they didn't meet you yet so they didn't know?" Megan said.

"You know it." I giggled and went back to my room leaving to door opened because like I don't care right now. I walked out to the balcony and sat on one of the chairs out their while I talked with Megan.

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