2. Wizard, Vampire and ___?

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Location: Tribeca Prep High School.

"Are you nervous?" Brenna asked her brother who was tightening and loosening the strap on his bag, nonstop.


"Relax brother, you are going to love this school. I'm sure you will make so many friends on your first day itself."

"I am not being friends with any of these weirdos." Y/N shook his head.

"Weirdos?" Brenna laughed. "Why would you say that?" She asked. Y/N didn't answered, he pointed towards a girl who was dressed up in a dress that resembles a shower curtain with rubber duckies glued all over it. Brenna's jaw dropped as They both bursted out in laughter.

"Mr dagon, miss dagon?" A man wearing three piece suit and a bolo tie called.

"Oh hey! I didn't knew this school also had rodeo clowns." Y/N laughed sneeringly. Brenna hit Y/N's shoulder and glared at him.

"Good morning Mr. Laritate, This is Y/N-my brother." Brenna said.

"Morning, Miss Dagon. I saw you two standing here, lost. I thought I should wish you luck and welcome you on your first day and this is the welcome I get from your brother?" Mr laritate raised a brow.

"I'm sorry-I mean he is sorry, Mr. Laritate. He didn't-" Brenna tweaked her brother's ear. "Apologise, brother."

"Ow! Okay! Yeah I was going to..." Y/N mumbled in pain. "Good morning and I'm sorry Mr. Laritate!" Y/N said.

"Good morning. You are an interesting child, Mr. Dagon. Stay out of trouble or I'll make your school life more troublesome." Mr. Laritate warned the boy. He patted on the boy's shoulder and headed back to his cabin.

The bell rang and students started rushing to their respective classrooms. Brenna smiled at her brother before going to her classroom. Y/N took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He walked around the hallway until he found his classroom. He got in and took a seat. He was a little bit nervous as his heart was beating faster than usual.

"New admission?" A guy banged on Y/N's desk. Two other guys stood beside him.

"Yeah." Y/N answerd confidently.

"That seat is already taken." The guy said. Before Y/N could reply, the professor entered the class. The boys went back to their seat and the guy who Y/N was talking to, took a seat behind him.

"Good morning class!" The professor greeted her students cheerfully. As soon as everyone settled down on their places, the professor started the class. Y/N kept playing with his pen as he was lost in his train of thoughts. He was confused and a little bit mad at his sister because of her decision which made him attend a school again. It's not like he doesn't like schools but he has already graduated at one, last year. It is not normal for people of his age. He is not a normal kid anyway.

"Excuse me!" A girl snapped her fingers infront of Y/N's face to pull him from his thoughts. When Y/N snapped back to his reality, he was surprised when he recognised the girl. She was the same girl who he served last night at late nite bite. "That's my seat!" The girl exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Is there your name written on it?" Y/N raised his brow.

"Actually, Yes." The girl pointed where a name 'Alex' was carved on the desk with bold letters. The boy behind Y/N scoffed as Alex crossed her arms. Y/N got up from the desk, he had no idea how to respond at that moment. He took the seat infront of the girl.

The lecture continued to bore both Y/N and Alex. Alex leaned forward on her desk and called Y/N.
"Hi, My name is Alex-Alex Russo." She whispered.

"I'm Y/N." The boy said and he turned back to mind his own business.

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now